I have a simple Leadership Philosophy…
I believe the first step in fulfilling our Great Commission is what I refer to as Reach. We are called to reach the lost, those who are far from God. This is where it all begins.
More InfoRaise
After reaching the lost, the next step is to raise them up in Christ. Everyone needs help on their journey. After all, you don’t bring a newborn baby home from the hospital and expect them to do just fine on their own.
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While I believe we are on a forever journey in our walk with God, at some point, we get to the place where God releases us to go and reach the lost in our sphere of influence.
More InfoThere’s something at The Summit to get you where you want to go.
Special Event
The Summit Vision Party
Join us on Sunday, July 26 @ 1:00 PM for exciting news regarding the future of The Summit. You do not want to miss this special vision event.

Can’t make it to The Summit? We have you covered.
As we return to a new normal with the easing of the COVID-19 restrictions, you may decide you’re not quite ready to worship with others. Or perhaps you don’t live here in the beautiful Denver, CO area. We still have you covered. Join us online through one of the links below and be part of our online community of worshippers from across the globe.
Preview what you can expect to experience.
Sharing God’s Word and speaking into the lives of others are all part of what I’m called to do. Whether you join us in person here in beautiful Centennial, CO, or online from the comfort of your living room, you’ll experience the realness of God through contemporary, heartfelt worship and learn more about God and how to live your best life with Him every day through practical, easy-to-understand teachings. I invite you to join us and see if our community is right for you.