
Monday Evening Mind Dump!

Week two of , “The Game of Thrones” series is up on the website HERE, and in iTunes HERE. If you missed a week… catch up. This thing is a bullet train and you need to get on board early because it is harder to catch the further away from the station it gets! The […]


Why I Teach Through Books of the Bible

At Southbrook Church we teach both topical and expository sermons (sometimes referred to as “verse by verse teaching”). And I have to admit, I’m somewhat perplexed by the virtual Hatfields vs. McCoys type infighting that has resulted from pastors believing vehemently that you can only do one or the other. On the one hand you […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

159 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ today @ Southbrook Church!! All praise and glory to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! Nearly 200 were saved between Palm Sunday and Easter!! Go God!! You might think one would get used to it—especially at a church where God has moved like this so many times, […]


Unique Easter Egg Drop

Wanna know the where the best event for kids is happening this Easter? — At Southbrook Community Church! One of our staff made the crazy suggestion one day that we ought to drop eggs from a hot air balloon on Easter since no one has ever done that (not usually a good enough reason by […]


Don’t Feel Much Like Singing? Part 1

Psalm 137 is an odd little psalm written by an obscure Jewish musician, prisoner of war. We don’t even know his name, but his condition is one familiar to all of us. You see, he’s facing a dilemma where he must, “put on a happy face” when he really, really, really doesn’t feel like it—really. […]


Champions of the Month!

One of the reasons I discontinued this segment of posts from my blog was not a conscious one—to be blunt, there were just far too many champions around Southbrook to limit it to a once a month or even once a week—forget that—how about even once a day postings?! The love for one another, unity, […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

Wrapped up our “Impact Series” today with the message, “Mark the Future.” I shared with the body @ Southbrook that the next 12 months for us is going to be the “Year of Discipleship.” It’s not a gimmick, and it’s not that every other year sees no special emphasis on the Great Commission—no, what it […]


The Year of Discipleship — Final

I’m a movin on up! — Or would that be just, ‘movin on?’ One of the things pastors of growing churches hear a lot goes something like this, ‘I used to feel so appreciated around here, but then a bunch of new people came and the pastor dropped me like a hot potato!’ I hear […]


The Year of Discipleship — Part 3

The theme for today’s post comes from an encounter over five years ago — as I ran into a contractor who heard I was a pastor of a large church (their words) and wanted me to know in “no uncertain terms” that he believed large churches were bad. He said he’d been a Christian all […]


The Year of Discipleship — Part 2

A couple years ago, Southbrook Church had a father/son — hockey/pizza night. It was a blast! It was also an opportunity to see the difference between the following group’s behaviors; 1. Adults 2. Boys 3. Adult boys The men of SCC faired pretty well in this comparison test. Given opportunities at Bobcats arena to, 1. […]