
Sunday Evening Mind Dump

Today we continued our journey through the book of Ecclesiastes and our, “Game of Thrones” series with the 12th installment—a message entitled, “Formula God.” We’ve been in chapter 7 of Ecclesiastes for 3 weeks now. What can I say? There’s a ton of good stuff in there! And, believe it or not, we still didn’t […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

Each summer something strange and wonderful happens to Southbrook Church—the adults fade to the background and the students takeover…everything! Today was the 2nd annual Student takeover Sunday for our students and they did not disappoint! Their fearless leader, Billy Almaguer convinced me last year to let the students run the show and I was so […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

What a week @ Southbrook Church! First, we saw the return of a group of 15 folks who hiked to the peaks of the mountains of Peru in order to bring hundreds of Bibles to the Quechua people—Bibles in their very own language! Imagine the thrill to hand a new believer the very Word of […]


The Year of Discipleship

This is the title we’ve given this next year @ Southbrook Church—“The Year of Discipleship.” Sounds pretty impressive, huh? But what in the world does it mean? Well, let’s start with what it doesn’t mean.   It doesn’t mean that this is the one and only year we’re giving a rip about discipline people. It […]


Why Didn’t Lot Just Plant a Post Modern/Emergent, Relevant, Seeker Sensitive, Contemporary, Tolerant, Media Driven Church in Sodom? Part two.

Ok, I know—this “part 2” probably set some sort of unofficial record for the longest time between a post and its sequel. Nevertheless, here is a link to part on1 and then you can go on to read part two. Sound good? It’s tough but fair. Within American evangelicalism today one would think that catering […]


Why Didn’t Lot Just Plant a Post Modern/Emergent, Relevant, Seeker Sensitive, Contemporary, Tolerant, Media Driven Church in Sodom? — Part One

Ok, a title should never be the length of a short post, but there it is. Since you made it past that, admit it, It’s a pretty good question, isn’t it? Today, most church plants in America are DOA unless they have at least half of the DNA listed in the title above. Or so […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

Wrapped up chapter 3 of Ecclesiastes today with the only real solution King Solomon missed—turning from our sins to God’s salvation. Several people gave their lives to Jesus today at Southbrook Church! When will that get old? NEVER! Challenged our body not to be ashamed. Seriously, how can any true believer ever be ashamed to […]


How Things Break

Today is the day to stand firm for the institution of marriage in the state of North Carolina by voting FOR the marriage amendment that adds protection for this precious union into our state constitution. In today’s post I want to make a final argument before we all head for the polls. Consider how often […]


He who lives longest–still dies.

I’m fascinated by “Guinness Book of World Records type stuff.” Not the cheesy ones—like longest fingernails or who can lie on a bed of nails with the most weight on them. No, I’m talking about, tallest human being on record or shortest—heaviest , longest living—things like that. Several years ago, a man died who claimed […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

Today we baptized nearly 40 people who wanted to stand up and be counted for Jesus! These days are always a celebration @ Southbrook Church and among my very favorite as a pastor. The name of Jesus was greatly magnified! Lifting high the name of Jesus didn’t stop there either. I just got home form […]