
Champion of the week

Ok, I’ve been slack (which pretty much eliminates me as a candidate this week…Can you nominate yourself?). Anyway, this week’s shout out (late) goes to Suzi Pace, our fearless leader of women’s ministries. Suzi and her team put together a wonderful tea for more than a hundred ladies of Southbrook and beyond. The women are […]


Ok, Mighty People! (MP’s for short)

Like the new name? Tough, I like it and to preserve sanity (mine) it’s final (although I can’t promise I won’t still throw in a few ‘Brookies” here and there!). Isn’t democracy a beautiful thing? Ok, MP’s here’s the deal. I think the Gideon effect needs to at least be talked about. It has become […]


To Cut or not to Cut — THAT is the Question

Today was the filming for the Liberian adoption story on Oprah. We’ve been praying that God would get the glory in this — it’s nice to be on Oprah, but I believe God opens doors like this for His glory, not so that we can provide filler for another TV talk show. Well, it went […]


Saturday Night

Keep Saturday night open if you haven’t already committed it to eggnog and mistletoe. I’ve been seeking everything possible to help strip away the fluff of Xmas and reveal the wonder of Christmas. There’s a big difference. Xmas has no Christ in it and is therefore, worthless. Christmas, on the otherhand, is all about our […]


Calling all MMWY!

Don’t forget, after the Wednesday evening service will be the second gathering of all those who wish to be mighty men (or women, or young people)for God! And I can’t wait to share what’s next on my heart for us at SCC! It will stretch ya, but then again, that’s what you signed up for, […]


Go God! — Midweek @ The Brook

Here is another testimony to what God has been doing midweek at the Brook service. If you haven’t been, you are missing out. Pastor Rob, Just had to let you know that last night at Southbrook was one of the most moving experiences I have had since my family and I starting attending about six […]


Midweek @ “The Brook”

Gang, I am pumped! Last night was awesome. The Lord showed up in a BIG way! My favorite part was seeing all the children streaming forward to pray with a pastor. They led the way last night! My own son even came up twice (what a cool kid! 🙂 I ‘ve heard from a lot […]


A Kindred Spirit

It’s rare (especially here in the Sooouuth) to find pastors with a kindred spirit — a similar outlook and philosophy as far as reaching a lost and hurting world. That is why, when I read an article the other day from one I felt like I was reading my own diary. The following is the […]


The Reason

Isn’t it amazing how we in America can enter such a beautiful giving, peaceful, wonderful time of year and, at the same time see a marked increase in depression, anger, rudeness, apathy, and every other negative emotion we all dread? I’m talking, of course, about the magic and wonder of Christmas joining with the apathy […]


Thankful ‘For’ or Thankful ‘To?’

Is there a difference between being thankful for or thankful to? I think there is, and the difference is huge. This Thanksgiving was filled with TV personalities saying they were “thankful” for this and that. Offerings included the usual; health, success, blah, blah, blah. Many of them seized the opportunity to follow it up with […]