
Aaaaggghhh!!! Tell Me It’s NOT True!

I’m afraid it is. Despite every effort to the contrary, I just heard someone make the following statement, Since we are having services in the morning and services in the evening on Christmas Eve, I’m probably just going to go to one or the other. Here’s the good news. It was a relatively new and […]


Only 2 More Shopping Days Left — to Invite!

How are we doing Brookies?! The biggest day of the year for outreach to the unchurched is upon us. I’ve thought more about that one little fact over the last several days than any other time in my life. I’ve also been hearing from quite a few other pastors that two peculiar and contrasting things […]


Spectators, Shoppers and Servers

Many of you do not know this, but I’m fairly skilled at failure. I know, I know. It’s kinda like someone saying they are proud of their humility, but hear me out. Nearly EVERYTHING I’ve learned about planting and growing a church has been via the belly flop rather than the attempted (and achieved) beautiful, […]


Mighty People! READ THIS!!

Hello MP’s! I hope you all are planning on joining us Wednesday evening for the last gathering of the MMWY’s of the year! December 6th Spiritual Disciplines 6:40 – 7:40pm (Mighty Men and Women) 7:45 – 8:15pm I have one last MAJOR challenge for you as we close out 06. It has to do with […]


I’m Talk’in VEGAS Baby!

Woo Whoo! I’ve got a few thousand to spend on a vacation, so I’m goin to a dessert where they put up hotels filled with machines that take your money without giving you anything in return (99.9999% of the time), a place where you start your day at night and nurse a hangover by day, […]


What’s the Story Here?

I had a friend in junior high who could do no wrong with the ladies (or, I guess, ‘girls’ would be more accurate). They treated him like a celebrity. Why? Best I could figure it was because of his incredibly popular (and smooth) one liners and ice breakers. For example. Whenever Shawn came up to […]


What are you known for?

Let me ask you all something (ya’ll meaning everyone out there in blogger land). When you think of most churches is their reputation one of ‘being against stuff’ or ‘for stuff’? Are they all about ‘doing’ for the kingdom’ or don’ting’ (


Are you ready? No, are you REALLY, REALLY, READY?

Christmas Eve this year will be different than previous years because it falls on a Sunday. Because of this we are actually utilizing the cafe ALL DAY and INTO THE NIGHT! We will wrap up (no pun intended) our “Unwrapping Christmas,” series at our regular Sunday morning services, 8:30 (no cafe), 10:00 and 11:30 each […]


Even His Birth saves lives!

This past weekend 8 people made decisions for Christ! That’s flat out AWESOME! Four of them recommitted their lives and wish to put Jesus first again and the others made first time commitments. That means the family of God just grew by four! News like this will never grow old to me. It’s why we […]


Ok, here’s the deal

Ok, let’s clarify something. I am blown away by the amount of Christians who are opposed to the idea of being seeker sensitive. Let’s think about this for a moment. What’s the alternative to being seeker sensitive? Seeker hostile? Oh, that’s Christlike! Jesus was so sensitive to the seeker he gave His life for them. […]