
What I’m Reading

I love to read. I mean really LOVE TO READ! — to the tune of about 3 or four books a week. So, when a publishing dry spell hits the industry, I’m fit to be tied. About a year ago it seemed nearly the entire 12 months passed without a noteworthy offering. Where were the […]


Whew! That Wasn’t So Hard After All!

How are we all doing? Have you made that bold invite yet? — as opposed to sneaking to nearby neighborhoods at 3:00 a.m., tying balloons and a note to several random mailboxes inviting people to Southbrook signed, The Phantom Inviter. I’m with you, rejection is tough. Alas, all I can offer you is this, don’t […]


It’s as simple as…1,2,3!

Curious? Not even a little? Tough, here it is—the method for gauging our mission (Blues Brothers Style) from God… You see, we simply need to take a look at what we have been averaging over the last month or so and double all the MP’s who step up to the plate (1 for them and […]


Time to Stand Up and Be Counted!

I was looking over the list of MP’s who identified themselves (via the comment section) many blogs ago. WOW! 50 different families, and that’s just the computer literate bloggers. I had at least twice that identify their interest in being a MMWY (Might Man, Woman, or Young Person) but lack of interest in blogging. Oh […]


Champion of the Week

This week’s shout out has got to go to our unbelievable worship team members! Can anyone be missing the AWESOME talent and transparent hearts the Lord has STACKED us with at SCC?! With so much giftedness at one place perhaps some are wondering if there are ever ‘ego’ problems. Wonder no more. This is the […]


Let Me Make a Prediction

I hope you all are praying like crazy for March 10th and 11th! That is when Clayton King comes to town and this annointed man of God will deliver the gospel in a relevant way and God will move. How do I know? He always has. Clayton has the spiritual gift of evangelism. But I […]


When God Moves

This past weekend we started a brand new series called majoring on the Minors. No, I am not advocating poor time management techniques. The series is all about the major things we can learn from the so-called ‘minor’ prophets. Wanna here something peculiar yet incredibly awesome about my God? There were 17 decisions for Christ […]


Who Likes a Challenge?

God has been speaking to me constantly since I saw those 474 names go up on the light columns this past weekend. It’s been a sort of tug-o-war. On the one hand, I am SO THRILLED to see that so many of us know lost folks. Could you imagine if an extra 500 people just […]


Serving in Faith

What’s that all about? I’ve heard of serving in love, serving out of guilt, serving out of obligation, and a few others, but serving in faith? How much faith can it possibly take to step out as a greater or teach the little children or sing on one of the praise teams? Nike seems to […]


God In a Box

Isn’t it strange when Christians talk about God in a box? How big is your God? Do you have God in a box? You need to increase the size of your box? God is bigger than your box. Pretty funny if you think about it. What does God think of all of this ‘box talk?’ […]