
Here’s the Breakdown

The numbers are in (drum roll please … dadalutdadalutdadalut…) it was ANOTHER record weekend at SCC! And I can tell you that as awesome as that is (the fact that you all keep inviting your lost friends, neighbors and co-workers) the real percentage change that has me fired up is (you probably guessed it by […]


I’m Blown Away! …but shouldn’t be.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Tonight’s turnout blew me away! It was the biggest Saturday evening crowd EVER! I have to admit, I was growing concerned that too many people would opt for convienience over reaching the lost. But you all ROCKED MY WORLD! It was so crowded there were people standing against the […]


The pastor is IN…Session 3

Anyone else just a wee bit (sorry, potty training our new dog) conflicted about the coming weekend w/ Clayton King, as I am? Whew!! Do we realize what we are going to have to pull off together if even half the people (and it better be more — we’re not a half-way kinda church!) on […]


I know it’s not ideal…BUT

The Pastor is IN Session II Thank you to all of you who are learning the meaning of sacrifice and discovering that the fulfillment and contentment in life you seek is usually at the end of that rainbow (with the slower leprechaun) rather than the one with the pseudo pot of gold (complete with smoke […]


We’re off to Newspring Church!

Hey Gang…There’s an AWESOME conference coming up at Newspring church ( called, “Unleash.” The pastoral staff is already signed up and going, but it dawned on me that there might be some MP’s out there that would love to go to this thing and get even more FIRED UP for what God is doing and […]


Champion(s) of the (every other) week!

I received over 50 e-mails, phone calls, letters and personal encouragements from Brookies who were touched by last weekend’s message. Thank you all for the encouragement you have been to me. As I said, it wasn’t an easy message to share and it was one that I have been fighting God on for years. Praise […]


What Baby Steps?

Here, as promised are some of the baby steps that will make a GIANT difference if we all take them together: 1. We need at least 100 of our regular members and attendees to call the new 8:30 video cafe their service. We’ve successfully done this for both the 10:00 and the 11:30 cafes, but […]


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

I’ve heard a lot of folks displaying what I call, ‘Optimistic Schizophrenia.’ Yes, I made it up, thus the statement, ‘what I call.’ What is it you ask? Well it’s the fired up, joy-filled, ecstatic, child-like wonder we all share at seeing God continue to bring people to Southbrook in droves, on the one hand. […]


I’m putting that one on the shelf for a while!

The weekend is over and I have a funny unfamiliar feeling from it. I mean, I’ve had hints of this feeling before — smaller doses and such, but this was different. This weekend left me feeling a bit like I imagine the Austin Power’s tiny character, Mini Me would feel after a ‘no holds barred’ […]


One down…3 to go.

Wow! On a good note, lives were obviously touched. I hung around after the message Saturday night longer than I have at any other Saturday in recent memory. There are a lot of hurting people out there. Aren’t you glad we serve Jehovah Rafa (the God who heals)? God is going to restore marriages at […]