
It’s all in how you look at things.

I have been celebrating and dreaming about the miracles all over the country in regards to the growth of Christ’s Bride, the church. From the early days of Willowcreek ( the incredible story of Saddleback church ( …and how God used Rick Warren ( To today and the likes of Andy Stanley ( , Ed Young […]


I’m just Curious.

If you’ve ever been to Southbrook can you take a quick poll? Please tell me how you heard about us; __ a friend invited me __ I received a flyer __ drove by __ saw it in the paper __ went to the website __ read the blog __ other We’re trying to reach our […]


We want you! Or maybe not!

Remember that old, ‘Uncle Sam’ add for the military? “WE WANT YOU!” it read. I’ll bet as we look back at draft dodgers, flag burners, military bashers, Quakers, conscientious objectors and a whole host of other “Anti-war for any reason’ folks we might want to rephrase that to, “We want you if you embrace this country, its […]


The Shelf Life of your average Christian Commitment – Part 5 and FINAL installment

Several days ago I took off on a rant about Christian commitment and how anemic it seems to be these days. That was the bad news. We saw the damage it can do as well as the disappointment it causes as it fails to deliver a closer relationship to God (or anyone else for that […]


The “Shelf Life” of your average chrisitan commitment – part 4

As we near the end of this five part series I have to say that this has been the most difficult set of posts I’ve ever written. For a lot of reasons… I’m still so sickened by the evil and wickedness of this Cho Seung-Hui character that I can hardly give it anymore thought. I […]


The “Shelf Life” of your average chrisitan commitment – part 3

Ok, ok, do to the growing boycott possibilities toward this blog, I am releasing tomorrow’s post today. Warning: You may get even more frustrated as this is a FIVE part series and rest and reconciliation from the mad ramblings of a passionate pastor will almost certainly not arrive until then. Nevertheless… Here it is since […]


The “Shelf Life” of your average chrisitan commitment – part 2

Starting to see it yet? Because Christians learn early (and wrongly) to dance around the peripheral of an issue rather than getting to the heart of the matter, many of them spend a lifetime chasing the wrong things. Aside: Before Joe blog reader gets to smug about Christians, you do it too. It’s just that you don’t […]


The “Shelf Life” of your Average Christian Commitment – Part 1

If I were smart, I would have probably increased the payoff on my life insurance before posting this entry. Let me explain. You see, certain aspects of the “Christian” culture and “churchy” culture can have an awful lot in common with the Mafia. 1.     We have our own set of rules to live by. 2.     […]


A close encounter of the best kind

  Every time we draw closer to an “encounter” at SCC people start asking what it is. Doesn’t the name say it all? If you go to the Southbrook encounter you’re going to meet someone. However, it’s more than that. I mean, some of you have already met this person, so (knowing that) you might […]


Champion of the year!

Less than two weeks ago Kate Doiron lost her husband as he slipped away in the early hours of the morning to go home with Jesus. Adam was only 29 years old. Kate has been an example of godliness and strength for countless people at Southbrook and beyond as they watch her continue to serve […]