
Top 10 traffic generating ideas for religious blogs

I hope there isn’t some sort of ministry mafia out there just waiting for the call to take rebel bloggers like me behind the heavenly woodshed. Because it seems there is an unspoken (or maybe it’s spoken, but I haven’t heard it) rule about what you can and can’t touch in the religious blogging world. Anyway, […]


The long, tortorous journey to 100

Ok, gang, we are at 42 on the old “How’s you hear about us?” Rictor scale. It seems getting 58 more is going to be a bit like pulling teeth but I’m determined to try. Sooooooo… Incase you haven’t heard yet (or if some of you who have already done this can become fire starters […]


Why Can’t I see it? Part 1

  You ever notice how many rules go right out the window on vacation? We ate like pigs. We slept in way too long. We ate like pigs. We got way too sunburned. We rode twisty, spinning, droppy rides one time too many. We ate like pigs. What’s the deal with theme park food? It […]


One of the things I love about God Part 6,000, 411

Yesterday my family and I were waiting in the sweltering heat in line for the Kali River Rafting Adventure at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. Our goal was simple. Get as wet as possible so that we could cool off. Nathan (my son) was the undisputed winner in that category. But before he got drenched from head […]


why not go tonight instead?

Hey you. Yeah you. Why are you sitting around on a Saturday night reading blogs?! Clayton King is going to be speaking TONIGHT @ Southbrook Church! Get moving… You barely have enough time to jump in the shower, get dressed and shoot over there. Which raises all kinds of even more alarming issues. Lucky for […]


The now and the not yet

Wow! It’s been more than 20 years since I went to Disney World. What’s changed most? The CROWDS! They were bad then. Now they’re like something from a sci-fi/horror flik, “Invasion of the Clones” or something. People were everywhere! Wall to wall people! I thought I liked crowds. I was even going to put a […]


Champion of the week!

This week’s freak of the week (that’s a good thing) goes out to the entire “Encounter Team” at Southbrook Church. I wish I had pictures to put with this post (get on it, Jay.   ) but they would be limited as we try to make the entire experience a bit of a surprise. But here’s […]


Keep’em Coming!

I still need a whole bunch more to make heads or tails of this thing. So… Please keep’em coming! I’m referring to this… “If you are part of this amazing ride, tell us how you found out about Southbrook Church and post it as a comment after my previous blog. Just click here, , scroll […]


Now that you’ve seen God Save more than 400 people THIS year…what are you going to do?

I’m going to Disney World! No, really. But the celebration for everyone @ Southbrook is over how HUGE our God is!!! Stop right now wherever you are and praise Him for how He has moved and continues to move in the lives and through the lives of His people at Southbrook Church!! Friends, most churches […]


The return of the blob AAAuuuuuugggghhhhh!!!!

Remember that old, cheesy horror movie. Some sort of slimy, silly puddy material was sliming the world to death. It’s hard to imagine people getting all worked up about it as a scary movie, but apparently it was quite the ‘pee your pants, cry for your mommy’ type flick in its day. Well, believe it […]