
Weekend Reflections

We wrapped up our, “Friends with Benefits” series today with the message, “The No-Consequences Myth.” This was the first (and only) message in the four part series that I felt entirely comfortable having kids in the service. Why? Because I knew even kids needed to hear the one solution to every problem we talked about […]


I feel like the next contestant to go, on, American Idol!

I always get excited when I know we are getting closer to a powerful movement from God! And I feel like this weekend will be such a time. There’s a lot of evidence for it. 1. Satan has been working overtime, using guilt and depression as we expose dysfunctional sexual views among people today. 2. […]


Attaching Value

Someone owning/operating a Vegas casino paid over $20,000 for a grilled cheese sandwich that supposedly had the image of Christ in it. People pay tens of thousands of dollars for vintage comic books, old (rare) baseball cards, antiques, etc. The other day I was wondering what kind of price these same people would put on […]


Confusing Trends — Part 2

Did you forget about this one? <—– Maybe these guys will jog your memory. I know. I know. I’d like to forget that picture too! But it helped prove a point. If you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, go here and read the post. I’ll wait. Done? Well then, you know that […]


If you build it, they will come.

Been wondering what all the construction on the property is all about? Well, it’s the results of all of our sacrifice and giving a few months back. You didn’t think we had that one year capital campaign for the sheer thrill of it, did you? Good. No, what you are seeing is the beginning of […]


We’ve brought sexy about halfway back!

We’ll bring it all the way home this coming weekend at Southbrook Church! I hope if you’re in the area you’ll plan on joining us for the conclusion of our “Friends with Benefits” series. Can’t say it’s been easy, but I can tell you very few series have moved people to make changes in their […]


Let’s Talk About Sex Baby!

I’m bringing sexy back! Whenever we do a series at Southbrook on SEX people come out of the woodwork to hear it. Seriously, it’s as though they haven’t heard anything on doing the funky love dance their entire lives! And, of course I’m good with that because we want to reach everyone we can with […]


Drum Role please…dadalut dadalut

The winner of the most outrageous date contest was tough. Once again there were a lot of hilarious entries but we could not go with another tie (b/c this is a low budget blog) so I will post the story of the winner below. This time around they receive a $10 gift card to Starbucks […]


Confusing Trends — part 1

Rant coming your way in 5…4…3…2…1 About 15 years ago a phenomenon hit that I can only describe like a defibrillator on a heart attack victim. Only there were a lot of victims—millions. The victims I’m talking about are Christian men. Their man cards were about 24 hours from being pulled, then the Promise Keeper […]


But will they link back?

Ok amnesty buddies. Let’s beat technorati at their increasingly exclussive game. Every blog showing here was linked on my blogroll, but only a few got picked up by technorati thus giving anyone credit beyond a blogroll showing. I believe our friend, jon swift had a great idea but would be gravely dissappointed to learn that so […]