
Mission Focus of the Week

If you’ve only been to Southbrook within the last year or so than you may have missed one of the greatest stories ever! I’m talking about the adoption of war torn Orphans from Liberia. For the whole story, follow this link and watch the two videos from the Oprah Winfrey show Pretty cool, huh? Who […]



That’s what I would call the guys who showed up for the second installment of our Monthly Monday morning challenges. We’ve been talking about the seven deadly assassins that tend to take men out of the game. Today we talked about the tendency men have toward self deception while deceiving others. We don’t intend to […]


Oh well, we tried.

Remember the big contest? A couple of weeks ago I put this out: I feel a contest coming on. Here’s what I want you all to do. Write a blog about the best thing(s) you (or your parents) ever did (a talk, a life lesson, a summer camp, the way you and your spouse modeled […]


Time Zones

Where do you live your life? Not your physical address, but your mental, spiritual address. Past, present, or future? Before you jump right in and answer, let me explain some characteristics of living in each and then you can honestly decide which you live in most. One rule first; we won’t be talking about jumping […]


Weekend Reflections

I played hooky this weekend—from Southbrook anyway. Sometimes my most fired up times with the Lord—the times I hear my marching orders most clearly, are the times I am away. No, the pastor who stresses the importance of gathering weekly with the body of Christ via the local church has not run amok. It’s just […]


Manning Up and Manly Missions

Hey men, (yeah, you!), it’s time to man up again. This coming Monday morning at 6:15 AM in the Video Cafe at Southbrook Church will be our second meeting of testosterone filled titans! Or, just for whoever shows up. And I hope we fill the place to the rafters because the Lord has given me […]


Turn out the lights — the party’s over, FINAL

Don’t you feel rotten bad mouthing someone who does something really, really nice for you two seconds later? And it’s about a hundred times worse when you discover that the nice thing they did was the plan all along! Ouch! And it REALLY turns the knife when you start rehashing not only all the trash […]


The Choice

I wonder, how many times has my devotional started at the beginning? Literally, in the book of beginnings? A hundred? More? Any how many times have I opened up to Genesis on my way to reading through the Bible? A lot. It’s a logical place to start. That’s why I’m absolutely thrilled at the magic […]


Turn out the lights, the party’s over — part 2

Ok, ok, so Jesus said Lazarus’s sickness would not end in death. Would you have had enough faith? Me either. For a couple of reasons… 1. It’s like he’s speaking in code or something. I mean, not end in death is a kinda weird phrase. Does that mean ultimately? Does that mean a coma? Does […]


Turn out the lights — the party’s over!

People are pretty good at this, you know. -Pronouncing something over when it’s not really over. –Giving up on someone before they really should have—if they should have at all. Consider the story of Lazarus, in the Bible. When Jesus is told His friend is deathly ill, he gives every indication that He will be there […]