Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Evening Mind Dump!
· Great crowd, great worship and, most importantly, a great presence of God in and among His people @ Impact this past Sunday! There is a growing sense of excitement among all Impactors as we prepare for our move from Weddington Middle school AND as we look forward to the first official day of Impact on August 25th! That’s right, our grand opening is scheduled for Sunday, August 25h and I promise you, it will sneak up on us before we know it. So what can you be doing and praying for? Glad you asked! Be praying about who you are going to invite on this very special day! There are two kinds of people we are seeking for Impact—1. The Lost—those who do not yet know Jesus as Lord and Savior, and 2. Believers who will get excited about the vision God has called us to as a church and who are ready to role up their sleeves and join us in this movement of God!
· It seems someone new joins our worship teams every week! This thing is really growing! That’s awesome, because part of the vision of Impact is multiple campuses reaching multitudes of people. We have a invite culture with a replication mindset—both vitally important for truly impacting the community, world and future! Great to see people really getting it!
· August 25th is THE DAY! Impact church goes live that day and we can hardly wait! The launch team has been meeting for 8 months, praying, planning, and preparing for this day! If you are a casual part of Impact now’s the time to dive in—we need you! This will be a fast paced, jam packed summer of laser focus for the Grand opening. Each role needs a back-up and a back up for the back up! Say that three times fast!
· The students of Impact’s Launch team are also preparing for what is sure to be one of the greatest weeks of their lives in the beautiful Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York at Word of Life Island! More than 30 teens will be departing on a chartered bus for a week at this awesome high-school camp that is not just action packed with great fun, but more importantly, deeply intentional about teaching the kids how to take their faith to the next level. I truly believe that one of the greatest impacts this brand new church will have will come from the students. Watch our Charlotte! This group has big faith in their great big God and they are expecting mountains to move through this church!
· For those of you who have not heard, the rumors are true! Impact Church has an App in the Apple store. Simply go to the App Store on your iphone and search for “Impact Church.” Ours is usually the second one to appear (you should recognize out logo) and you can download it from there. Right now you can get devotionals, current news and upcoming events, worship, there is a tab for “Giving” that enables us to tithe even when we are away for the weekend, a button for lifegroup info and to send a query to any lifegroup leader you want about their group, a Facebook link, twitter link, and contact link! In about a week you will be able to listen to sermons online and in less than a month you’ll be able to watch sermons right from your iPhone (and soon your google android as well)! Take advantage of this today and tell a friend!
· Our brand new website is also up and running! You can find us now at I hope you’ll take the time to check it out today!