Yesterday I talked about the methods false teachers and dangerously divisive people use to keep their followers in line. You can read about it here.
Today—despite the strong arm tactics of these people—I want to show you an easy way out.
Take one day—just one day—and do the very things they told you not to.
- Read God’s Word for yourself. (Not their books, i.e. ‘Pearl of great price, Book of Mormon, New World Translation, Watch Tower Magazine, etc.)
- Talk to the pastors at a good, Bible believing church (if you don’t know of one in your area, contact us at Southbrook Church and we’ll point you in the right direction).
- Talk to the friends and family you’ve been told to abandon. chances are you will see a fierce love so loyal and committed you’ll never want to go back to the oppressive, cultish atmosphere again.
- PRAY! That’s right, ask God to reveal Himself to you and to expose the lies. 2 Chronicles 15:2 says, “…The LORD is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you.”
- At the end of the day (and this is critical) there will be a moment of truth. Do you have doubts? What are you going to do about them? The cult leaders would tell you the doubts are a punishment for your ‘questioning the cult.’ I would say to you that they are God telling you to get out! Your window of opportunity here will be short. It’s scary to walk away from any support group—even a bad one. But you need to remember, you’re walking away from harm and dysfunction toward the arms of Jesus.
Hope this helps…at least a little.
* Hey Southbrook—tonight is the first ‘Night of Worship’ we’ve had in a long time! If you’ve been a part of Southbrook over the years than you know that these are a highlight! Hope you can make it to the Weddington campus at 6:30!
Cya there!