Meet Me Here

What if you got a note you were positive was from God Almighty? I’m not talking call CSI investigations, have the folks at area 51 examine it or take it to Ghost-busters (for authentication). No, I said a note from God—a real paper written note. Or maybe email is acceptable perhaps even a  text—whatever, but for the sake of argument all agree and not even a single atheistic ‘expert’ can refute—it’s from God!

It’s a short note too — only has three words. Ready for what they are?

“Meet Me here.”

Question for you…would you do it?

What you show up? Or would you be a no-show?

Remember, we’ve already been through all the verification exercises –if you’re one of His sheep, you know his voice albeit not His handwriting (see John 10 for more details on that)—so, one more time, it’s not a question of certification any longer—now it’s a matter of obedience.

Gonna show up?

Good news! You have received a note like that and it turns out it’s a little more than three words—and it goes by the title of, God’s Word, or, The Bible.

The meeting is scheduled for this Sunday you can come at either 9 AM or 11am—Weddington or Monroe. And that’s just if you live around here. He has hundreds of thousands of meeting places for the big meeting.

And that doesn’t even get into the informal  ones he makes available 24/7! Can you imagine? You can get an appointment with God Almighty anytime—anyplace (for the one on ones)!

Miniute by minute, hour by hour, day by day…even year after year–meeting times are available. The choice is yours. But I thought you’d want to know…in obedience, if you show — He’ll meet you there!