A Worship Problem

Worship_PraiseAs often happens, Sunday comes nd goes yet I haven’t finished thinking through all the ramifications of what I taught on. This Easter was no exception except this time I had a couple days off to actually think about it!

And I did.

This ‘worship problem’ is nothing new ya know. Seems people have had it since way back in the beginning—the very beginning. I mean, Adam and Eve essentially had a worship problem. Their kids had a worship problem


  • So did their kids
  • and their kids
  • and their kids
  • and absolutely everyone in Noah’s day (sometimes, even Noah!)
  • then it started all over again in the new world with Noah’s sons
  • Abraham was another ‘do over,’ but…you guessed it, ‘worship problems.’
  • Then his sons and his sons and his sons…
  • All the way to Moses, who led a couple million people with a couple million worship issues.


In fact, I’ll save you the suspense and skip to the point. Most of life’s hardships for you and I boil down to worship problems. We all have them. Or, I should say, it. A worship problem is just one thing really—one very serious thing. It develops whenever we place anything or anyone above God. When anyone or anything is allowed to receive our primary focus and adoration then they are receiving worship that belongs to God alone.

Now, maybe you don’t think that’s a big deal.

But it is…


Let’s talk about this in the days ahead, ok?


Cya then.