
Anchoring Your Life

Earlier this week, I briefly mentioned ways you can fill the gap—that time between evening and morning. I talked about sleep, but how important is it to you? People used to sleep an average of 10 hours every night. But now a days, we have so many things keeping us awake. Aside from Thomas Edison’s […]


Filling the Gap

When was the last time you read through the Book of Genesis, specifically Genesis Chapter 1? This is the story of Creation! It’s in this chapter you learn that the gap—the time between two days—is really from evening until morning. A new day begins at midnight, but Scripture’s picture of a day starts when the […]


U in 5: Crisis Mode

I want to unpack more of Nathan’s message from this past weekend. I left off on Thursday by telling you that if you’re not on the right path, you have to get in CRISIS mode and do something about it. What is a crisis? It is “A time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger; a time […]


U in 5: Visualizing the Future

I was proud to have my son Nathan preach this past weekend at The Summit. He took the church deeper into the U in 5 series, helping people pause and examine where they’re at vs. where they could be! As he said, everyone is on a path, and we’re all going to end up somewhere. Remember […]