
Whispers from God

It’s somewhat ironic how we yell at people who are standing right in front of us. What we have to say seems so urgent, we speak in unnecessarily loud volumes out of anger or to get a point across. Have you ever yelled at God out of anger? Or, have you ever wished He would […]


Waiting on God

The frustrating thing about being in the wilderness is that it seems to last longer than seasons in the valley! It’s a barren, dry, and desolate place where it’s easy to feel alone. You might have experienced this at some point in your life, or maybe you’re going through this right now. Do you ever find […]


The Consequences of Living in Unbelief

I touched on faith earlier in the week and all of the blessings that come from faithfulness! But are there consequences to living without it—living in unbelief? Unbelief can actually be hazardous to your health, and it affects people in three ways. The first thing it does is blind your eyes and make you skeptical. […]


Note to Self…

I was listening to one of my favorite preachers the other day when he uncharacteristically went off on a rant about another pastor. This “other” pastor’s identity wasn’t very cryptically kept. In fact, you’d have to have been living the last decade under the proverbial rock to not have figured it out in less time […]


God’s Amazing New Year’s Grace

Yesterday (New Years Day) my son and I decided to have a “guy’s night” and go see “Unbroken.” I had given him the book a couple years ago and it had a profound impact on him. Naturally, we couldn’t wait to see the movie. The movie was awesome—I highly recommend it! There are powerful lessons […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

  ·      Thanks for the break faithful readers! It was so nice to spend time with the family on Easter break! ·      Another AWESOME couple weeks @ Impact Church! Last week was Easter and all 3 services (Good Friday included) were well attended! But better than that, the Bible series and Easter saw 134 total […]


The Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

Today we began a brand new series entitled, “The Bible.” It closely follows the 5 part series with the same title from the History Channel airing Sunday evenings from 8:00 – 10:00 PM. The cable series actually started last weekend and ended up the most viewed cable show of the year thus far! Millions seem […]


The Language of Love

I have a cousin in California who is one of those “off the hook” good surfers. He lives in the land of big waves—really, really big waves. The biggest ones (for you non-Californians) are not in Huntington Beach or Newport. They are several hours North where the water is even colder and the sharks a […]


The Daniel Fast

Over the last year or so, the Lord has been teaching me a lot about the difference between “if” and “when.” American evangelicalism is very familiar with the philosophy of, “if,” but not so familiar with the “when.” Do you know the difference? Let’s talk briefly about each by taking a look at a couple […]


“But For the Grace of God, There Go I”

Therefore, dear friends, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position. 2 Peter 3:17 (NIV) This week has been bitter/sweet for me. On the one hand, I am thrilled to bring the gospel via crusade—to so many in the […]