
Where is the Love?

(Jonah 1:1)The word of the LORD came to Jonah: “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.” Nineveh was the most powerful city on earth at this time. A sight to behold! It was an awesome city—but it was also an awful city. To […]


Monday Evening Mind Dump!

I absolutely loved Sunday with my GCC Family! We wrapped up our short, two week mini series called, “Stop Dating the Church.” Jesus said in Matthew 16 that a church built on rock solid, biblical foundations would be so powerful that even the most wicked fortress or stronghold imaginable—even one ruled by Satan himself—even one […]


What’s the Best Way to Impact the Church?

Or, Mark the body? I’m talking about he local church—your own fellowship. What’s the best thing one can do to strengthen the Bride of Christ? I think most believers make a crucial mistake here by zooming in immediately and exclusively on discipleship. They get it partly right, because discipleship is one of the 5 pillars […]


Why I Teach Through Books of the Bible

At Southbrook Church we teach both topical and expository sermons (sometimes referred to as “verse by verse teaching”). And I have to admit, I’m somewhat perplexed by the virtual Hatfields vs. McCoys type infighting that has resulted from pastors believing vehemently that you can only do one or the other. On the one hand you […]