
Unique Easter Egg Drop

Wanna know the where the best event for kids is happening this Easter? — At Southbrook Community Church! One of our staff made the crazy suggestion one day that we ought to drop eggs from a hot air balloon on Easter since no one has ever done that (not usually a good enough reason by […]


Mark the Community

Sunday @Southbrook Church I told our people about an opportunity to see many come to Christ. How many? Only God knows, but I’m confident attaching the word, “many”—that should be enough! The opportunity is a revival at Elevation Church right here in the Charlotte area. The pastor of Elevation is Steven Furtick and he’s a […]


2011 Year End Mind Dump

* Reflecting back on an amazing year for the glory of Jesus Christ!  I’m so thankful for the dream team that God has assembled @ Southbrook Church! Never before have we been so united in purpose, passion and vision as a staff! Friends, where that happens expect great things! What began as an exploratory trip […]


I Believe Mountains May Move in 2012!

I’ve never moved a mountain with my faith. No, Mt. Saint Helen’s eruption wasn’t orchestrated by me. As I said, I’ve never moved a mountain. but I believe I could. Don’t be too concerned for my mental health. I do live in reality, but my reality includes a God of the universe who is in […]


Meet Me Here

What if you got a note you were positive was from God Almighty? I’m not talking call CSI investigations, have the folks at area 51 examine it or take it to Ghost-busters (for authentication). No, I said a note from God—a real paper written note. Or maybe email is acceptable perhaps even a  text—whatever, but […]


Free Marketing, Part 1

One of my favorite stories in all of scripture is found in the 5th chapter of the gospel of Mark. It’s the story of Pig Boy. Aren’t familiar with that one? Ok, I’ll give you a bit more to start with. How bout the story itself? Here it is, The Madman 1-5 They arrived on […]


Jesus or Jesus Junk? Part 2

If you missed part one of this, go here. The second biblical example of this phenomenon actually happened many, many times. I will just pick one at random for us to take a look at. I’m talking about the ‘high places‘ of false worship that became an ongoing struggle for God’s chosen people throughout the […]


Jesus or Jesus Junk?

On the one hand, there has never been a day like today for getting out the good news of the gospel message. On the other hand, there has never been a day like today when fewer people are interested in the real gospel message. Once again, it’s 4:30 am and the Holy Spirit won’t let […]