
Note to Self…

I was listening to one of my favorite preachers the other day when he uncharacteristically went off on a rant about another pastor. This “other” pastor’s identity wasn’t very cryptically kept. In fact, you’d have to have been living the last decade under the proverbial rock to not have figured it out in less time […]


God’s Amazing New Year’s Grace

Yesterday (New Years Day) my son and I decided to have a “guy’s night” and go see “Unbroken.” I had given him the book a couple years ago and it had a profound impact on him. Naturally, we couldn’t wait to see the movie. The movie was awesome—I highly recommend it! There are powerful lessons […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

–       Last week the Singleton’s got to rest and reflect—church at home—attendance = 4. I cherish these times—they are too few and far between! Our devotional time came from Psalm 22. An incredibly indicting Psalm if I do say so myself! Take a look at what David wrote in just the first few verses: “My […]


Day 37 of a Wonderful and Intimate Journey with Jesus

Today is the thirty seventh day of what I really thought would be no more than a twenty-one day Daniel fast (Honestly, it started off as a one day water only fast). After all, that’s the name of the thing, “The 21 Day Daniel Fast.” However, as each day passed and I experienced deeper and […]


The Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

•    Today we baptized 42 people in week 7 of our brand new church! 42 people stepped forward to identify with Jesus Christ (His way)! The celebration, tears and overall presence of the Lord is why baptisms are some of my very favorite services at church! •    Biggest attendance since Grand opening! Last week we […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

  ·      Today was our last time together as a launch team—next week Impact Church goes live!! Woot! Woot! ·      The last two weeks have seen a veritable bee-hive of activity at Impact Church! In the span of 2 weeks, we have moved from one 10:00 service to 2 services (9:00 and 11:00). We have […]


Church or Movement?

Churches we have. By last count, (2010 to be exact) there are about 350,000 churches in America. About 314,000 of those are protestant. 24,000 are Catholic and the rest are non-Christian in nature. Wow! That’s a lot of churches! And I’ve planted several myself. Yet here I am venturing out one more time against all […]


If you Build it They Will Come!

It’s one of the most memorable lines from one of the most memorable films— “Field of Dreams.” It’s also one of the cheesiest lines in movie history because, well, if you mow down ten acres of corn and spend tens of thousands to erect a professional sized baseball diamond so that Shirley McClain and Deepac […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

•    Wow! It’s the middle of the summer—everyone (including me) is looking ahead for people to return from vacation and for our Grand Opening on August 25th. Then, out of the blue—we got a mini grand opening today! Great crowd, incredible enthusiasm, red shirt volunteers everywhere! Can’t wait for the real deal! •    It was […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

·      Today we took a look at a very familiar and seemingly straight-forward story in Luke 4—The time Jesus was tempted in the wilderness for 40 days. We faced some hard truths about how easy it is for Christians to play the old kindergarten game where everyone sits in a circle and the first person […]