
Note to Self…

I was listening to one of my favorite preachers the other day when he uncharacteristically went off on a rant about another pastor. This “other” pastor’s identity wasn’t very cryptically kept. In fact, you’d have to have been living the last decade under the proverbial rock to not have figured it out in less time […]


I Believe Mountains May Move in 2012!

I’ve never moved a mountain with my faith. No, Mt. Saint Helen’s eruption wasn’t orchestrated by me. As I said, I’ve never moved a mountain. but I believe I could. Don’t be too concerned for my mental health. I do live in reality, but my reality includes a God of the universe who is in […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

Had some great family time away this Labor Day weekend! These times are so precious to me and impossible to put a price on. And we Singletons don’t believe in ‘sit around, couch potato vacations.’ With us it’s non-stop action and this one was one of the best. We went to a place called Ace […]