
Do Your Spiritual Genes include all the Impact DNA?

Our “Impact DNA” series will conclude this weekend with our final “G” – which stands for, Gather. And although this includes many things, I will be honing in on the one aspect that most people don’t consider all that important—the Sunday Gathering. Why? Because God’s Word considers the corporate gathering of all believers of a […]


The First 2013 Mind Dump

Thanks for the break over the last few days my friends! I had great family time and even a long overdue date with my wife! Wow! 2012 was a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde year for the Singletons! It was a year complete with some of the lowest lows and highest highs of our lives. […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

Another great group today! More new folks and our first week at Weddington Middle School! Love how the presence of the Lord and the preaching of His Word is all you really need. Sure, people are excited about adding things each week, but I am floored at how much joy there is with such simplicity! […]