
Six Miles from Eternity!

I hope the following sheds some light on a 2,000 year old mystery… How far and to what lengths would you go for… –    A one in five chance to win the lottery? –    A shot at saving the life of a loved one? –    The opportunity to bring peace to a strained relationship? –    […]


Christmas Momentum

  Even before I think about the added momentum for reaching people for Jesus that Christmas brings I’m thankful for the momentum that Impact Church already has after just 14 weeks of existence! It’s largely due to our awesome volunteers and passionate staff! And all of us are PUMPED about what we have planned for […]


Happy Birthday Jesus!

Hey, want to make this a great birthday for Jesus?! Watch this video: [FMP width=”568″ height=”320″][/FMP] Impact Church is currently meeting at Weddington Middle School, Weddington, NC. Click HERE for directions. Join us for one of our Christmas Eve services–either 4:00 or 6:00 at Weddington Middle School and bring someone who does not know Jesus. […]


Resetting Hope

Over the next couple of weeks most of my posts will be related to the Advent season. The order of Advent is typically: Week 1: Hope Week 2: Love Week 3: Joy Week 4: Peace Last week we kicked it off @ Impact Church with our series, “Christmas Reset” and the first message entitled, “Resetting […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

Another great weekend of new faces and tremendous joy—The very way it should be this time of year! And I sat down to type up some of the wonderful things the Lord has done this 9th week of growing the Impact Church launch team when I saw the following facebook post about Impact. It’s from […]


I Believe Mountains May Move in 2012!

I’ve never moved a mountain with my faith. No, Mt. Saint Helen’s eruption wasn’t orchestrated by me. As I said, I’ve never moved a mountain. but I believe I could. Don’t be too concerned for my mental health. I do live in reality, but my reality includes a God of the universe who is in […]


Post Christmas Mind Dump

Sorry this has taken so long but I promise it will be worth the wait! Have you heard yet? 244 new brothers and sisters in Christ! That’s the biggest harvest ever at one event @Southbrook! That will never, ever get old! The final Christmas Eve service saw 86 people bend the knee to Jesus Christ! […]


Pre-Christmas Evening Mind Dump

Really enjoying seeing how God is moving in the hearts of our people through the “Present Yourself” series @Southbrook Church! My wife says this has been her favorite Christmas series we’ve ever done! I agree—it’s done more to refocus our people on what matters most! Only six more days to invite those you care about […]


Free Marketing, Part 1

One of my favorite stories in all of scripture is found in the 5th chapter of the gospel of Mark. It’s the story of Pig Boy. Aren’t familiar with that one? Ok, I’ll give you a bit more to start with. How bout the story itself? Here it is, The Madman 1-5 They arrived on […]