
Jesus: The Savior of the World

A couple of days ago, I explained a bit about who Jesus is. Let’s take a look at a few more things here to help you see He’s so much more that a baby in Christmas stories! He is the exact representation of God’s nature (Hebrews 1:3)! The phrase “exact representation” comes from the Greek word […]


Who’s That Baby?

Christmas is drawing closer, and so many things remind me of the birth of Jesus. Our key verse at church yesterday was Hebrew 1:1-3. “Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. And now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son. God promised […]


Recognizing Signs from God

Some people spend Christmas tearing wrapping paper but never get to Jesus. While there were numerous things surrounding Jesus’ birth that seemed ordinary, there were numerous signs that prove it to be extraordinary! Make room for Jesus! When you feel lost, remember that God gives you signs today, just as He gave the world signs […]


Signs: Find the Extraordinary in the Ordinary this Christmas

While Christmas is full of surprises, there are also a lot of familiar aspects to it. Sometimes, familiarity can breed contempt! You might find yourself asking, “What is left to be said that hasn’t been said before?” When you hear biblical Christmas stories, sometimes you really don’t hear them at all…because you’ve heard them so […]


Mountaintops & Valleys

We just started a new series called “God with Us” this Sunday! My message focused on how God is always with us regardless of our circumstances. It’s easy to believe and feel that God is with you when everything is going your way, when you’re on a mountaintop! But what about difficult times, the valleys? […]


A Special Message to Summit!

Hi Summitiers! I just wanted to take a moment and celebrate the many ways the Summit family has touched the lives of others through their generosity! I know we’ve mentioned a lot of them already (so some of this might be a bit of a recap) but there are several I didn’t have a chance […]


God’s Christmas List

What if Almighty God made Christmas lists like some of us?—Or, at least like some of us did when we were kids (FYI, if you are over 18 and still make these lists for mommy and daddy…STOP! For the love of God, you’re embarrassing yourself!). You know the kind of list I’m talking about…   […]


Monday Evening Mind Dump!

It’s Beginning to look a lot like Christmas! –Not only as far as the lights and the Santas and so forth—but more importantly, in the nearly tangible feeling that God is up to something big at Summit Church! Here’s the dealeo… We at Summit Church are gearing up for the biggest Christmas Eve outreach our […]


Monday Evening Mind Dump

Yesterday was Part 2 of our, “I Love My Church!”  series, and we talked about my favorite thing about church, period—the presence of God. We should not simply take it for granted that because we go to a church that claims to be “Biblical” and “Evangelical” that the Holy Spirit is there. Sometimes churches ‘program’ […]


Christmas Mind Dump

I shared this a good while back, but the urgency returns every year at this time… I hope the following sheds some light on a 2,000 year old mystery… How far and to what lengths would you go for… –    A one in five chance to win the lottery? –    A shot at saving the […]