
The Consequences of Living in Unbelief

I touched on faith earlier in the week and all of the blessings that come from faithfulness! But are there consequences to living without it—living in unbelief? Unbelief can actually be hazardous to your health, and it affects people in three ways. The first thing it does is blind your eyes and make you skeptical. […]


Monday Evening Mind Dump

·      I broke one of the cardinal rules of Sunday Evening Mind Dumping…I missed Sunday! So, I made the executive decision to change it to a Monday Evening Mind Dump. Hope this doesn’t cause great angst with anyone! And I’m sure you’ll forgive me once you read what happened at Grace Community Church this past […]


Six Miles from Eternity!

I hope the following sheds some light on a 2,000 year old mystery… How far and to what lengths would you go for… –    A one in five chance to win the lottery? –    A shot at saving the life of a loved one? –    The opportunity to bring peace to a strained relationship? –    […]


The First 2013 Mind Dump

Thanks for the break over the last few days my friends! I had great family time and even a long overdue date with my wife! Wow! 2012 was a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde year for the Singletons! It was a year complete with some of the lowest lows and highest highs of our lives. […]


Post Christmas Mind Dump

Sorry this has taken so long but I promise it will be worth the wait! Have you heard yet? 244 new brothers and sisters in Christ! That’s the biggest harvest ever at one event @Southbrook! That will never, ever get old! The final Christmas Eve service saw 86 people bend the knee to Jesus Christ! […]


Free Marketing, Part 1

One of my favorite stories in all of scripture is found in the 5th chapter of the gospel of Mark. It’s the story of Pig Boy. Aren’t familiar with that one? Ok, I’ll give you a bit more to start with. How bout the story itself? Here it is, The Madman 1-5 They arrived on […]