
A Fork in the Road

Lately I’ve observed a greater fire in the people of Southbrook Church than at any other time in our history! I’m thrilled to see this–we’ve endured a lot to get to this point. Good news!–once you have momentum it’s easier to keep and the Lord’s work is more exciting than ever. For example–this past Christmas […]


Meet Me Here

What if you got a note you were positive was from God Almighty? I’m not talking call CSI investigations, have the folks at area 51 examine it or take it to Ghost-busters (for authentication). No, I said a note from God—a real paper written note. Or maybe email is acceptable perhaps even a  text—whatever, but […]


Numbers CAN Lie

Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not against numbers–In fact, I’m very much for them. They’re very helpful. * They tell you if you’re growing. * They tell you if people are coming back. * They tell you if people are exiting the back door. * They allow you to set goals. * They tell you how […]


33 Years to Live

Jesus lived with more passion than anyone ever has. But the thing that drove him would be called morbid and depressing by most people’s standards. You see, Jesus truly lived every moment of His life like He was dying. And I’m not talking about Tim McGraw style, I’m talking ‘God style.’ I’m serious, gang—Jesus talked […]


The “Shelf Life” of your Average Christian Commitment – Part 1

If I were smart, I would have probably increased the payoff on my life insurance before posting this entry. Let me explain. You see, certain aspects of the “Christian” culture and “churchy” culture can have an awful lot in common with the Mafia. 1.     We have our own set of rules to live by. 2.     […]


Is our faith too small?

As you probably suspected, Easter’s turnout despite the weather has stirred a lot of talk about the new building being WAY TOO SMALL. Here’s an example of what I am hearing from a growing throng of people; Blog Comment by JT Comment: What an awesome day at Southbrook yesterday. First service was off the hook!! […]


Bulletproof: The Great Cover Up

I love to read. What does this have to do with the great cover up? Patience young grasshoppers! As I was saying, I love to read. But I wish the obsession with books stopped right there. The truth is that it goes WAAAAAAY deeper than that. I actually love my books. I protect them, baby […]


Used BY God or USING God?

I’ve been reading this book of late. I was intrigued by the title and this dude has written some stuff I respected in the past so I gave it a try. The idea of the book is that we can hear from God and know clearly from His Word what we need to do and […]