
Champions of the Week!

My hats off to the worship and programming team for helping us all see the love and impact of “Good Friday!” It was so clearly and beautifully presented—Jesus in all His love and sacrifice for you and me. I can’t think of a better way to prepare the heart for the celebration of Easter and […]


“I’ll Be Back.”

Tonight my 11 year old son was telling me about some creepy, ‘R’ rated horror movie a couple kids in his class had seen. I was flabbergasted. How is it parents can let kids (one of these guys is still 10!) see junk like that? Especially when these kids go to a Christian school!!! He […]


The Easter Low Down

Ok gang. There’s more buzz than ever before at Southbrook Church over what God is going to do this weekend at Southbrook Weddington and Southbrook Monroe. Because of all the buzz, I am asking some of our regular attenders to consider our early sunrise service at 7:00 am at the Weddington campus. The auditorium at […]


Learn From MY Mistakes

Some mistakes can be pretty costly in life—from boneheaded ideas to just plain ‘human error.’ A few come to mind:   Hey, let’s make mortgages available for absolutely anyone. By the time we’re done, your average middle school student will be able to purchase that dream home they’ve always wanted! Sub-prime baby!! Let’s give military […]


Ablaze for God!

There is an old book by this same title, “Ablaze for God,” that every believer should read. You can click here to get it form Amazon. It talks about how an individual can have the best theological training, an uncanny knack for knowing doctrine inside and out, be an evangelical pied piper and still have […]


The Answer

Go! You were expecting more? Disappointed? Can’t help you there. I’m just the messenger. I thought you’d be thrilled to actually know for certain what the God of the universe wants you to do. A lot of times people hem and haw about ‘not knowing the will of God for their lives.’ Well hem no […]


Our Marching Orders

What if I told you I know exactly what God wants you to do this week? Would you say I’m nuts? A religious wacko? An arrogant swindler? We tend to regard such self proclaimed prophets as either liars or nut jobs. And, for the most part, I agree. But what if I told you my […]


Praise for How God Keeps Moving at Southbrook!

Just a quick shout out to our great God! Both our Weddington Campus and our Monroe Campus had near record crowds! People are really turning to Jesus by the droves in these uncertain times. Now my prayer is that God would give us all a holy discontent for anything other than an Easter blow out […]


Let’s Make Easter a Blow Out for Jesus!!!

Traditionally, Christmas and Easter are times of great harvest for us at Southbrook Church. Many hundreds come to faith in Christ on these two days alone, every year.   So, knowing that, what are you planning to do about it, Christ follower?   Try out some of the new coffee choices at the café? Show […]


Thank You!

You know how God has a way of lifting your spirits in unsuspecting ways, through surprising people, when you need it the most? Well today He did it again. Lately I have spent untold hours trying to help bring about reconciliation and healing (as well as truth) to a very difficult mess between brothers and […]