
Still Hearing Great Things!

I’ve more or less dubbed what we did last Sunday as—the gift that keeps on giving! Nearly every hour on the hour I hear from individuals, schools, churches or help centers of the impact that “Operation Be the Church,” had on our community. Some of it was expected and warms your heart nonetheless   We […]


Manufacturing a Movement

I wonder, can a movement be manufactured by man? If so, I guess the apostle Paul wasn’t as good at it as church history gives him credit. Look at the following: 27 “His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not […]


Breaking from the Herd

Each Sunday, churches all over the United States have a few basic things in common… They have a church service that involves the three M’s (Music, Message, Money)—then everyone goes home—confident they’ve done all God asks of them for another week. But have they? Sure, the Bible says in Hebrews that we are not to […]


The Curious (spiritual) Case of Benjamin Button

Ever see this movie? Weird doesn’t begin to describe it. It’s about an individual who is actually born ‘old.’ The only thing baby like about him is that he is small. Other than that, he is a frail, wrinkled old man. Come to think of it, I guess that’s not much different than a new […]


A Weekend to Remember!

This weekend come prepared to see church as you’ve never seen it before! Empty! That’s right, after praise and worship and a few marching orders from me, we will be taking the love of Christ to the streets! For more on this, read yesterday’s post here. Today I wanted to give a few more details […]


Taking it to the Streets!

By now of course, the cat’s out of the bag so I might as well make sure this weekend finds all the Brookies as prepared as possible to actually BE the Church! Therefore, remember to come to your Southbrook campus this weekend dressed to serve! I would suggest jeans and a tee shirt. We will […]


Day 2 — Be the Church

Today the staff continued our “Be the Church” theme by helping out ‘Camp Canaan’ in clean up and repairs. Together we: cleared limbs and branches made a 2 story branch pile for a massive bonfire set a nice bench and sign in concrete gathered stones and placed then around some landscaping areas enjoyed breakfast, lunch […]


Be the Church

In a moment I want you to hear from my favorite guest blogger: Michelle Singleton. But first, I want to tell you how we (Southbrook Church) helped dispel 2 common misconceptions about the church today. 1. There is the misconception that paid staff (pastors) are the ones who do all the ministry. But the Bible […]


Moving from Good to Great

Remember the Jim Collins book, “Good to Great?” It’s a fascinating read on what makes the greatest companies, well…great. And the thing is, most of it is pretty simple but all of it is anything but easy. For instance, they picture corporations as a bus and then talk about personel and positions as people in […]


The Fall Out

Now here’s something nearly everyone spends a lot of time worrying about. Whether it’s the after affects of a nuclear bomb or the more subtle after affects of sin in our lives—fall out certainly plays a role. I’m just curious about which does more damage, the actual “fall out” or the feared “fall out” that […]