
Find Me Dreaming, Singing, & on My Knees

I explained on Tuesday how God wants to find you faithful and grateful. Did you know that He also wants to find you dreaming, singing, and on your knees? In regard to dreaming, I’m not talking about the selfish kind but the godly kind! Psalm 37:4 (ESV) says, “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will […]


Find Me Faithful & Grateful

We’re about to start a new decade. It reminds of how Summit always gives the first of its year to God. 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting is actually a time to give the first of the year, month, week, and day to God—for 21 days. How amazing to also give the first of a new […]


Jesus: The Savior of the World

A couple of days ago, I explained a bit about who Jesus is. Let’s take a look at a few more things here to help you see He’s so much more that a baby in Christmas stories! He is the exact representation of God’s nature (Hebrews 1:3)! The phrase “exact representation” comes from the Greek word […]


Who’s That Baby?

Christmas is drawing closer, and so many things remind me of the birth of Jesus. Our key verse at church yesterday was Hebrew 1:1-3. “Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. And now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son. God promised […]


Recognizing Signs from God

Some people spend Christmas tearing wrapping paper but never get to Jesus. While there were numerous things surrounding Jesus’ birth that seemed ordinary, there were numerous signs that prove it to be extraordinary! Make room for Jesus! When you feel lost, remember that God gives you signs today, just as He gave the world signs […]


Signs: Find the Extraordinary in the Ordinary this Christmas

While Christmas is full of surprises, there are also a lot of familiar aspects to it. Sometimes, familiarity can breed contempt! You might find yourself asking, “What is left to be said that hasn’t been said before?” When you hear biblical Christmas stories, sometimes you really don’t hear them at all…because you’ve heard them so […]


Finding Faith Amidst Disappointment

Sometimes what’s packaged as disappointment is really destiny. I can imagine the disappointment Joseph felt when he found out Mary was having a baby. But he discovered he was a part of the most beautiful birth in the world. Sometimes God makes the verdict first and the evidence comes later. “Now faith is the substance of […]


The Benefit of the Doubt: Choosing to Walk by Faith

Isn’t it amazing to think how Jesus went from manger to majesty? It was hard for some people to believe that a small child could fulfill the prophecy of a Savior. The first chapter of Matthew signifies that heaven had hit a dead end. Joseph and humanity were at a dead end as well! The […]


Finding Hope: Living a Wonderful Life

“…where then is my hope– who can see any hope for me?” (Job 17:15, NIV). This is how George Bailey feels as he stands on the bridge and contemplates suicide. He sees his existence as a failure and sees no way out of his financial predicament. When you’re in a “hopeless” situation, you get tunnel […]


When Life isn’t Wonderful Anymore

This is the time of year that families tend to watch classic movies together. While it might not be a millennial favorite, It’s a Wonderful Life has touched hearts for years. When you see what George Bailey goes through—the good and the bad—you’re reminded that life is a beautiful journey! Life is not without hardships, but those […]