
To the Least of These

To the Least of these Ministering to people in such pain—who have experienced such heartbreaking loss brings new meaning to       “to the least of these…” The passage I am referring to is Matthew 25:29-41 “ 31(D) “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him,(E) then he will sit […]


Reject — Part 1

I’ve heard it said that ministry can be the loneliest job on planet earth. Who said it? Fellow ministers, that’s who. And they never tell you this stuff when you’re in seminary because we wouldn’t listen if they tried! At hat point we all believe the Church (Big ‘C’) is filled with smiling believers who […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

A hundred page post wouldn’t be enough to download all that has happened this week—some good—some bad—some incredibly painful… Pastor Geoffrey, (one of my closest friends and our Southbrook Monroe Campus pastor) and his wife, Nancy, have had to face something no parents should ever face. Their son, Garren, collapsed Friday at school and was […]


Who Do I Listen to?

First, join us this weekend for the continuation of our “Divine Series,” — The Gospel according to John. Things really heat up with the longest night in the Life of Christ. His darkest valley purchased our greatest hope! Can’t wait to share what God has taught me! Ok, some of you are going to take […]


Losing My Religion

Don’t forget, Brookies, that tonight is the night to lose your religion and trade it for an ever deeper relationship with Jesus! This evening at the Midweek service we will begin a 6 week journey through the book of Galatians. This is especially pertinent in light of all I have been talking about lately with […]


Epic Fail

Whenever someone messes up in sports or answering a question in school these days–kids like to say that they not only ‘failed,’ but that it was an ‘Epic Fail.’ I guess this is failure on steroids. Have you noticed this trend? I call it the Rush Limbaugh effect. Meant to be a self fulfilling prophecy […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

Thank you, Southbrook for some time away this weekend with the fam! We celebrated my daughter’s birthday and it was great to give her undivided attention! I was able to sneak off to church @ our Monroe Campus however–Pastor Geoffrey did an awesome job! I learned later that there were some pretty frustrating video challenges […]


Just Keep Digging, Digging, Digging!

Remember Dory from “Finding Nemo?” She may have been the fishy equivalent of an airhead, but she did have a few redeeming qualities. Chief among them had to be her eternal optimism! One time, when she and Marlin (Nemo’s father) were miles too deep and among all the scary creatures that lurk there—the situation looked […]


Day One

Since today (or, yesterday for some of you) started our one year journey through the Bible, I wanted to kick it off with a couple thoughts about, well, the beginning… I believe we need to not only spend time in God’s Word, but also to approach it for what it is—the wholly inspired, perfect Words […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

Wow! What a great weekend! To God be the glory! In all our services this weekend—at both campuses—hundreds came forward @ the good ole altar call to follow Jesus! 505! Some crossing over completely from fan to follower! Others who are already following but want to grow even closer in 2011 and everything in between! […]