
Monday Evening Mind Dump!

Sunday, Monday Evening Mind Dump! The first of many trips to Haiti leaves in a little over 24 hours. This first trip is to demolish the remains of one of our sister church buildings that still lies in ruins after the earth quake a year and a half ago. Our team will do this, clean […]


Part 2 of “Designated Enablers”

Just joining us on this one? Go here for part 1… So, dabbling in sin is not a viable option for the true Christ follower. That would seem obvious at first glance. However; observing this country’s behavior ( a country who claims to be 85% Christian) clearly shows that the majority feel a little dabbling, […]


Designated Enablers — Part 1

Like it or not. Agree with it or not. NOT everything goes for the believer in Jesus Christ. God’s Word points to many things that are simply off limits to us at anytime, for any reason.   Worshiping false Gods Sex outside of marriage Adultery Stealing   You know, let’s start with the big 10—the […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

Everyone needs a vacation sometime, but I always end up missing my Southbrook family whenever I’m away. This times was no exception—you all had way too much fun while I was gone! Clayton brought the Word with heat (as he usually does) and 45 decisions were made for Jesus Christ! Tell me, does that EVER […]


A Bargain?

Ever see a book on the New York Times best seller list that you really, really wanted to get but it just seemed a bit too pricey for, well—a book? I have. So, sometimes I just let it slide for the meantime and keep an eye out for it down the road (the deflation road). […]


Jonah verses Jeremiah

The JJ’s of the Old Testament—Jonah and Jeremiah. They could not have been more polar opposite.   Jeremiah readily obeyed God for 40 straight years while Jonah’s best known for turning down a mere 40 day assignment. Jeremiah pursued, embraced and loved those who persecuted him. Jonah recoiled from and was repulsed by an enemy […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

Missed my family at Southbrook Church today! The Singleton’s got to get away for a few days—but that didn’t stop the kids from hearing me preach anyway! Ahh, but church at the beach—hard to beat! Another awesome outreach to the wonderful people of Benton Heights! Over 500 showed up for hotdogs, face painting, family fun […]


The Every Man Storm

Jesus said a day is coming when the wind and rains will beat upon the house of every man. He’s referring to the unavoidable storm of death. No one can avoid it. No one side steps it. And, turns out Jesus was right—every human being who has lived since Jesus spoke these words has built […]


Before I Forget!

One thing I wish I’d had time to unpack during our study of the book of Jonah was God’s love for the masses—the city. All throughout scripture we witness God’s longing for lost and confused people to quit running away from Him and realize instead that He loves them and wants to bless them. But […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

45 people identified with their Lord and Savior, Jesus today! They did this the way Jesus commands us—they were baptized! Nothing else we did this week is as important as that so I thought I’d leave my Mind dump with a couple shots to celebrate! Enjoy!