
Reading Through the Book of Proverbs

At Southbrook Church we are HUGE on reading through the Bible. We’ll find a hundred and one creative ways to get you into God’s Word. We’ll sing songs that are taken right out of scripture, make mission statements and vision statements that are really Bible verses in disguise J anything! God’s Word is powerful and […]


Opposites Attract

The fist nine chapters of the book of Proverbs have to do with primarily two subjects—wisdom and women. Both are personified using the female gender. And there are actually similarities between these mostly polar-opposite women.   First, both are women Both cry out to passers by Both desire followers Both plead their case Both make […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

What a week of ministry at Southbrook! The third Haiti team left this past week right on the heels of the return of the Peru mission team. This year Southbrook will send out more missionaries for short term missions than ever before and the family of Southbrook is making a ginormous impact for the kingdom! […]


Who Burned Rome?

One of the most devious deceits in history had to be when the faltering emperor of Rome, Nero set the Western side of the city ablaze in order to divert attention from his ineptness. Apart from this perhaps being one of the greatest examples of overkill in all of history, it was definitely one of […]


Cut Out the Middle Man

No doubt about it—Christians have an advantage like no other. We have direct access to God! Have you ever really stopped and thought about that? Direct access! That means, no middle man, no middle religion and no middle set of barriers (i.e. rules and regulations, or ‘hoops’ to jump through). We don’t have to work […]


Monday Evening Mind Dump

The gang from our Peru mission’s trip returned over the weekend pumped as ever! This is our third trip to the Quechua people to bring them Bibles in their own language. They are ever thankful and end up being a far greater blessing to us than we could ever be to them. Our people come […]


Near Death

I used to be fascinated by people who claimed to have near death experiences—not for the reason most people are—but because most of them seem so…well…what’s the word I’m looking for? Absurd. Now, hear me out. They seem this way to me because someone who has “died on the operating table” as they say, would […]


How Many Thank You’s Does it Take?

Remember that old TV commercial for Tootsie roll flavored tootsie pops (that’s a long way of saying ‘Lollypop’)? It was the one that showed a young boy ask different wise characters (finally ending up with the wise old owl) just how many licks it would take to get to the tootsie roll center of a […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

I always get antsy when I miss more than a week in the pulpit but am so thankful for a time of refreshing for me and my family as well as a week to catch up some other ministry opportunities the Lord has put on my heart. Glad I can leave things in such good […]


A Fist Full of Wisdom

When we think of wisdom in the Bible, the book of Proverbs usually comes to mind. However, the Bible has several “wisdom” books and is obviously full of wisdom. The Books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs, are all versified by the skillful use of parallelism, that is, of the balanced […]