
Fear Not: Cast Your Cares & Walk in Gratefulness

I hope you got a chance to join us online yesterday for Part 3 of our series Fear Not. Yesterday’s message “Care Casting” was about how to unburden your heart. As you feel fear welling up inside of you, you need to cast it away! There may be building tension in many of your homes right […]


Fear Not: Learn to Celebrate Amidst Despair

Do you remember me mentioning Philippians 1:12-13? It says, “ I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ” (ESV). Can you imagine finding reason to celebrate while in […]


Fear Not: Moving from Fear to Faith

Did you know that God can bring good out of this mess going on around you right now? Take a look at Romans 8:28! As I’ve said before, fear is an even greater epidemic that the epidemic caused by COVID-19. There are countless things you can fear, and this situation the world is in right […]


Fear Not: Three Ways We are Not Like this World

I hope you’ve spent the last couple of days focusing on God! As promised, I’m going to walk you through three ways that we are not like this world—things that will help you fear not. Firstly, you need to remember that we live by faith, not by fear. When Jesus was comforting his disciples, He said,  “Do […]


Fear Not: Putting Your Trust in God in the Middle of a Pandemic

These are certainly trying times! Unless you’re living in an underground bunker, you’re acutely aware of the fear that has gripped the entire planted with the onset of this spreading virus. But it’s not just about the virus. It has created a domino effect. It’s spreading fast, the stock market has imploded, and the panic […]


Discipleship: Try It!

Are you ready to look at the six questions from Thursday? All of the questions are related to the Great Commission. Here we go! WHO—Who is called? Every follower of Jesus Christ. Discipleship is not just for pastors or leaders like Billy Graham. This was Christ’s universal call for all believers everywhere, for all time! […]


Discipleship: Are You Trying?

While we wrapped up our series on discipleship this past weekend, discipleship remains our theme for the year! I want those at The Summit to live out the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20 and make disciples of all nations! Don’t you want to live your life with an eternal mindset? “He has made everything beautiful in […]


May Your Soul Find Rest

In looking at the rest of Pastor Rusty’s message, I’m struck by the fact that true hope can only come from God! As he told the church, “I must earnestly believe that God exists, that I matter to Him, and that He has the power to heal me.” Power to heal you from what? Maybe He needs […]


Hope is Found in God, Not in Yourself

Pastor Rusty Hayes blessed The Summit with a visit this past weekend! Not only has he been there for me as a friend for about 30 years, he’s also an overseer at our church. His message “Hope For Being All In” continued our series on discipleship and brought needed encouragement. As he said, you sometimes […]


When the Lions Roar: Having a Plus One, Being a Plus One

Earlier this week, I left you with the task of taking some time to think about who could help disciple you and who YOU could disciple. I hope you had time to think through this! Today, let’s walk through Pastor Ernie’s question from this past weekend—“How do we help one another win our biggest battles?” The […]