
Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

–       Another great weekend with more and more people joining the Impact Launch Team! Today was the largest Sunday yet! –       We put the Christmas Eve tickets out today and more than half are gone! Hurry and get your yours (They’re free of course) so we can begin to gauge how many are coming to […]


Resetting Hope

Over the next couple of weeks most of my posts will be related to the Advent season. The order of Advent is typically: Week 1: Hope Week 2: Love Week 3: Joy Week 4: Peace Last week we kicked it off @ Impact Church with our series, “Christmas Reset” and the first message entitled, “Resetting […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

Another great weekend of new faces and tremendous joy—The very way it should be this time of year! And I sat down to type up some of the wonderful things the Lord has done this 9th week of growing the Impact Church launch team when I saw the following facebook post about Impact. It’s from […]


Seven of the Dumbest Things Christians Say – # 7

Scroll down and use the “older posts” link to read the first six “Dumb Statements.” And now, the final dumb statement of this seven part series (though there are infinitely more dumb things we Christians often say!) “Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire!” Maybe, but often where there’s smoke, there’s mirrors. “Huh? Um, pastor Rob, haven’t […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

I realize now that this will never get old! The people of Impact Church know that what we have is something special and each week God takes our puny expectations and blows them out of the water! Today was no exception. Week eight and we had a full band! They rocked, and more importantly, they […]


Thankful “For” or Thankful “To?”

Several years ago while my family and I spent Thanksgiving with the victims of Hurricane Katrina we all learned the difference between being thankful “TO” and thankful “FOR.” And believe you me, there is a HUGE difference. People who are Thankful “For” mention things like… I’m thankful for my iphone I’m thankful for my talent […]


Seven of the Dumbest Things Christians Say — #6

  “Well, almost everyone agrees, so it must be right.” Ever heard this one? It’s the group think mentality that hinges all decisions on whether or not a majority of the (given) group believes it. This one has a close cousin statement as well that goes something like this, “I don’t want to lose all […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

•    Lots of new families again this week. By far the biggest crowd yet! I look forward to seeing God bring more and more people to Impact each week! And at this rate we’ll be at 2 services far sooner than any one of us thought! Go God! •    One of the foundational pillars of […]


Seven of the Dumbest Things Christians Say — #5

First of all, if you’re just joining us, you’re several dumb statements behind. You can catch the last one here and the one before that here. I’m sure you can track down the first 2 after that. You’re sharp! Now, without further adieu, dumb statement number 5… “I’m Not Being Fed!” Why is this dumb? […]


Monday Evening Mind Dump!

Sorry this is a day late—but everyone gets a day off every now and then. •    Tons of guests again this week—some familiar and some brand new! I love that our people are inviting neighbors/friends, family and co-workers at this early phase of Impact Church. Not one person has mentioned the lack of bells and […]