
Champions of the Week!

This weeks shout out goes with last weeks in a way. Last week we appreciated the leadership and heart of Leslie Waldron as she leads to Impact prayer teams—perhaps the most important teams @ Impact Church! This week the shout out goes to the dozens and dozens of people who support the ministry of prayer […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

I’m so glad we didn’t cancel church today—holiday weekend or no! A good number of folks turned out—even some for the first time whose regular churches were shut down for the great blizzard of 2013. As it turns out, it was a message many married and engaged folks needed to hear! In a day and […]


Champion of the Week

At Impact we (the launch team) are praying that we will be more of a “movement” than just another church on a corner. You know what separates religion from a movement of God? One word… PRAYER And that’s why Leslie Waldron and the rest of the prayer team may very well have the most important […]


The Monday Evening Mind Dump

[FMP width=”640″ height=”360″][/FMP] This past weekend we kicked off a great new series on marriage and relationships. It was another full house and they got to see a first for impact church — a modern/vintage stage set built by Jack Simpson and Tom Bruscato! I would describe it exactly as the phrase Vintage/Modern suggests—a little […]


Champions of 2012

I could never say enough about the Macivers. They have become dear friends of ours in the last 5 months. We’ve managed to condense what seems like an entire lifetime of highs and lows into not even a half a year. Beginning in September of last year, they simply wouldn’t take “no” for an answer […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

Today I was just amazed at how many of our Impactors arrive early and stay late to serve. There were red shirts everywhere! What better application of “every member is a minister” could there possibly be? And all ages join in on this. There were seniors and little children alike setting up the drapes and […]


Do Your Spiritual Genes include all the Impact DNA?

Our “Impact DNA” series will conclude this weekend with our final “G” – which stands for, Gather. And although this includes many things, I will be honing in on the one aspect that most people don’t consider all that important—the Sunday Gathering. Why? Because God’s Word considers the corporate gathering of all believers of a […]


Champion of the Week

I’ve been in ministry a loooooooooong time (never mind how long!)! Yet it’s extremely rare to stumble upon someone as joyful and servant minded (others focused) as Kendall Lloyd. Because of his tenacity and commitment to excellence, we have been able to do things just weeks old as a launch team that most churches never […]


Monday Evening Mind Dump

This seems to be turning more and more into a “Monday” evening mind dump than a Sunday one. Alas, such is the workload of a church planter. Still, a lot happened this week and I’m ready to back up the Mind truck and unload a bit. Seems I still went a little fast for all […]


Champion of the Week

Again, with a church full of champions—I couldn’t be more thrilled about where Impact is going. Even so, some give so much and seek so little for themselves that their efforts touch nearly everyone. One such person is Wendy Poovey. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t here something great about our ministry to […]