
The A,B,C’s on “How to Get Your Loved Ones to Church on Easter.”

Most Christians know that this is the busiest time of year for churches. Easter is even bigger than Christmas, when it comes to church attendance. So, we always encourage our members to invite friends and family to visit, but we understand that it may not always be easy to do so. Just in case you […]


Note to Self…

I was listening to one of my favorite preachers the other day when he uncharacteristically went off on a rant about another pastor. This “other” pastor’s identity wasn’t very cryptically kept. In fact, you’d have to have been living the last decade under the proverbial rock to not have figured it out in less time […]


I’m Done With Church—-Part Two

If you missed part one of this series—go here. How did the church ever get to this point? The Bible tells us that the Church is so powerful and unstoppable a force that not even the gates of hell can prevail against it. Without going into an entire lesson on what “The Gates of Hell” […]


I’m done With Church!

“I’m done with church, and I’m never going back!” No, this isn’t a conclusion that I have come to—however, it is a conclusion that tens of thousand are coming to every weekend all across America. And more and more are asking themselves the once unimaginable… Do we really need the Church (Big C) anymore? I […]


Best Year of Your Life!

• Want this year to be the best year of your life? Well it absolutely, positively will be IF (Don’t you hate when that little two letter disclaimer is thrown in there?). Let me say it again…This will be the best year of your life, IF… Ready? Here it comes…”IF it’s the best year of […]


God’s Amazing New Year’s Grace

Yesterday (New Years Day) my son and I decided to have a “guy’s night” and go see “Unbroken.” I had given him the book a couple years ago and it had a profound impact on him. Naturally, we couldn’t wait to see the movie. The movie was awesome—I highly recommend it! There are powerful lessons […]


Christmas Mind Dump

I shared this a good while back, but the urgency returns every year at this time… I hope the following sheds some light on a 2,000 year old mystery… How far and to what lengths would you go for… –    A one in five chance to win the lottery? –    A shot at saving the […]


Amazing Grace—Part Two

If you missed part one, go HERE. So, what’s the second thing God has showed me about His special grace? God’s word makes it clear that His amazing Grace does not set into motion a game of “give and take.” With human nature it is commonplace to want to “repay” a kind gesture, special invite, […]


Amazing Grace — Part One

So many things have conspired of late to bring me to a deeper and deeper understanding of one of the least understood but most incredible things that God offers freely to all. I’m talking about His amazing grace. Once you’ve experienced it, nothing else even comes close. First, being a self described “sermon junky,” there […]


Chicken or the Egg — Wrap up.

It’s been way too long…sorry. This was always going to be a three part series, but waiting two weeks before part three is inexcusable. Again, sorry about that. And if you missed part one or two…click HERE for part one and HERE for part two. Now don’t skip over that. Part three won’t make a […]