
What’s our signal to noise ratio?

You all have been awesome to let me know how you first heard about Southbrook church. I thought I’d give you (as I promised) the results.   So, without further adieu, the breakdown:   Out of the 49 responses (yes, 49. Don’t get me started on that. You’d think we were asking people to give […]


Quiet as a church mouse

What does that mean, anyway? The church has been used to describe everything from the quiet ride of a Cadillac to a silly somber refuge on a Monte Python movie. These days the church is known for everything it’s not. How would you like to be a healthy, athletic, Olympic athlete in an event such as the decathlon, only to be […]


Champion(s) of the Week!

  I know. I know. Don’t say it. Let’s just get right to it, shall we? I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to acknowledge a truly awesome group of folks. And there are a lot of them, so I wish I could name them all. Instead, I’ll have to name just the top 10. […]


Frivolous Friendships continued…

When one thinks about powerful friendships of the Bible—the kindred spirits, the three Amigos, Butch and Sundance type deals, etc. — you’re hard-pressed to come up with a better example of XTreme friendship then that of David and Jonathan. So closely knit were these two friends, that, sadly, the homosexual community often tries to point […]


XMen 4 More about Frivolous Friendships

Let’s cut to the chase. I’m saying that I know first hand what it is like to care deeply for another man in a way that competes with the great friendships of history—the Butch and Sundance’s, the Batman and Robins, the David and Jonathans—all of them. I not only know that it is possible, I […]


Xmen 3 — Frivolous Friendships

As far as friendship goes, men are almost too easy on this one. Think of most men you know and then picture them hanging out with their friends. Got a visual? Good. What sort of images come to mind? Golf buddies? Monday night football statisticians? I call them, fescue friends. You see, where I live, […]


As ‘often as you do this,’ or ‘do this often’?

1 Corinthians 11:23-25 (New King James Version) New King James Version (NKJV) Institution of the Lord’s Supper    23 For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; 24 and when He had given thanks, He broke it […]


Xmen 2

When last we left our heroic vigilanty, he was stalking an intruder in order to do great harm to him, her, it. Let’s resume our story from whence we left it… “Did you close the fireplace Flue?” she asked. “What? What on earth does that have to do with the price of coffee mugs in […]


Xmen — An obnoxiously long series (and post), calling on men to be men

This has actually bugged me since I was just a pint sized shaver. It was back then that I noticed that a lot of ‘Christian’ men seemed to go to great extremes to lead the planet in wimpiness (they might refer to it as meekness, which, biblically speaking is fine, but for a lot of […]


Knights of the Round Table

Ok, ok, so it’s not exactly King Arthur, but it was pretty awesome nonetheless. In fact, the round table event I just returned from tonight (Thursday, May 24th) was more awesome than its medevil predecessor because this round table was a group of 12 pastors who are helping to change the world for Christ! I’m […]