
The kind of people God looks for

My friend, Lynn has been through a rough year. In fact, that may be the understatement of the year. Hurt by those she loves. Betrayed. Belittled. Life is not fair. And it hurts about 100x worse when the pain and suffering inflicted come from those we least expect it from and their blows are followed […]


Maybe I was a bit too rough on him

I was looking over my words on Steven’s blog (via the blog swap we did for today). I wonder if I was a bit too rough on’em. I mean, the hot coals and the broken glass stuff is pretty standard, but Steven was so persistent it warranted drastic measures… Review: Deanna (my ministry assistant): “A […]


Guest Blogger: Steven Furtick

Steven Furtick is new to Charlotte, but, if you’re a Christ follower pouring yourself into the local church, I bet you’ve heard of him. Steven pastors a new church called Elevation Church. And in one year this place has blown up! There are now nearly two thousand ‘Elevators’ (attendees at the church who actively live […]


Xtreme Living

  Average Abba continued… Where were we? Oh yeah, ‘Wild at Heart.’ I honestly enjoyed Wild at Heart. I really did. But, at least part of the reason that I am involved in the writing of this book now is because I was so greatly convicted that it would be irresponsible to leave men with […]


Xtreme Living continued

Average Abba When you consider where we’re headed in the area of Fatherhood in this country, the average Abba (Hebrew for Daddy) ends up looking like “Father of the Year.” Today, after the worthy efforts of groups like “Promise Keepers”, books like Steve Fararr’s “Point Man,” and John Eldridge’s “Wild at heart,”—many men (and fathers) […]


Another Installment of Xtreme Living

Feeble Fatherhood (MIA) What’s a father today? Depending on the community it seems to range from sperm donor to loving, devoted mentor. On the one hand, many young men who live in gang infested communities have almost lost all hope of being raised in a loving two parent, traditional family. In east Los Angeles, for […]


It’s Tomorrow.

Ok, I’m good for my word. Want to know the spiritual lesson from my unnecessarily anemic triathlon performance? It’s found in this verse Or was it this verse? Actually, I think it was this one. My bad. It’s this one. and this one, and this one, and-


Today my ego wrote a check my body couldn’t cash!

I’ve always wanted to do a mini triathlon. Some places call them triathlon sprints. Basically it consists of swimming between one third and one half a mile, followed by between 9-12 miles of biking and ending with a run anywhere in the range of 2-4 miles. I found one. An indoor one–swimming pool, stationary bike […]


Would this drive you crazy?

Occasionally I have shared with you all that I (as well as every pastor I respect who is reaching the unchurched) will sometimes here a faint splash in the waters surrounding the brook that has me somewhat concerned. I don’t hear it often, but enough to know what it means… ‘Man overboard!’ Someone has jumped […]


Guest Blogger: Clayton King

“Reflections on a Murder/Suicide”   Most of my life, I have been a professional wrestling fan. Don’t worry, I stopped watching it years ago when it slid more into the world of “adult entertainment” leaving behind the predictable days of it’s past when you could tell the good guys from the bad guys and you […]