
Tacky Day

This morning my 8 year old daughter came down the stairs and declared that it was officially, ‘Tacky Day.’ It got me thinking. Is it just me (probably — usually is), or does it seem like a lot of Religious people (and, yes, sadly some naive Christians as well — come to think of it, […]


Got Blog?

I don’t know if you realize this or not, but some of my favorite blogs to read are from a few of our own Southbrook folks. I say, “a few” because that’s all I’m aware of. But it seems hardly a week goes by that I don’t hear about someone else throwing their blog hat […]


When it comes to light, most of us are like Gollem.

  You know what? I just can’t find much redeeming about this character. I know Frodo seemed to see something in Him, but, then again, Frodo seemed to get sucked in by just about anything. He was a bit naïve, even for a hobbit. But when it comes to tenacity, Gollem is hard to beat. […]


Ready to “Hit the ground Running?!”

Man, I missed you all! And God has given me a renewed sense of passion and urgency like never before! So, are you all ready? Are you really, really, ready? If so, meet me at the Brook (that’s Southbrook’s worship center) tomorrow night for our “Mid Week Fix!” I’m going to give you all a […]


I’m Back…Again.

Yes, it was sad to hear one so young (see this post if you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about) regurgitate the Shirley McClainish, San Francisco like, progressive (please), self defeating, dribble she’d been spoon fed her whole life. It hardly seems fair. But then again, how was she any different than so […]


I’ll Be Back!

Ok, there’s something I need to tell you even before first things first. I actually did write a post from Costa Rica (safe to disclose at this point). However, I did not post it. Soooooo…. I won the bet. I just thought I should clear that up. Now, on to… First Things First I saw […]


Guest Blogger: Clayton King

My First Run: Part 3 Is it any wonder that the Apostle Paul referred to running so often in the New Testament?  “We run this race with patience that is set before us,” he says.  “Don’t you know that in a race, all the runners compete for the prize?”  For a great number of people, […]


Guest Blogger: Clayton King

My First Run: Part 2 Here’s what I did didn’t do next… No stretching.  No warming up.  No running shoes.  No time to digest my carbohydrate grease feast from lunch. I was wearing Nike hightop basketball shoes when they came to get me. About 8 of them.  All skinny and fit.  Wearing Asics Gels and […]


Guest Blogger: Clayton King

My First Run: Part 1 Guest Blogger: Clayton King College. The mention of the word can inspire a thousand different images and as many different memories. Lots of people opine about their college days. Some of them recall favorite proffesors, most difficult classes, all-nighters finishing a paper. Many more wish they could have it back; […]


Chillin in Central America!

No, I have not fallin off the face of the earth. Yes, the rumors are true. The Singleton clan was resting and vacationing at an undisclosed location in Central America (hint, it´s south of Nicaragua and North of Panama — still is, as far as I know). Plus, I contracted ´blog fever´ while there — a […]