
I’ve Never Moved a Mountain.

I’ve never moved a mountain with my faith. No, Mt. Saint Helen’s eruption wasn’t orchestrated by me. As I said, I’ve never moved a mountain… but I believe I could. Don’t be too concerned for my mental health. I do live in reality, but my reality includes a God of the universe who is in […]


Many Men Manned Up!

Say that 3x fast! I’m pumped to know that so many men at Southbrook are interested in learning to become the best godly leaders they can possibly be. Here are some of the comments I received from this post last week… Preston says: I look forward to the growth and encouragement. I will pray to […]


Future Hindsight

Huh? Yep, you read that right, ‘Future Hindsight.’ Wouldn’t it be great if hindsight weren’t the only kind of vision that was 20/20? Sure it would, and the good news is that it’s not. I was wresting with this the other day in my quiet time with the Lord. Lately I’ve been going through the […]


I told you the best was yet to come!

I don’t know if I’ll be persona non grata or what after today. Conventional wisdom says I should have cut the message short to help with crowd management. Though it has yet to be proven, there’s strong medical evidence that I may have been born with absolutely no conventional wisdom. Unbelievable! It was so humbling […]


Who are you reading?

I guess I should feel good that I’m writing at a college level, but all the signs point to me needing to take it down a notch. Wait! Hear me out. Did you know that most of the great speakers and writers people admire write and speak at about an eighth grade level? Me either, […]


An Exersize in Futility — Part 3

I may have to enter the witness protection program after this series. Oh well, as they say, truth hurts. I’ve learned you can critique football, family members, politics, schools and a whole lot of other things, but say anything about denominations and overnight you’re about as popular as Salman Rushdie at an Iranian soccer game! […]


Time to ‘Man Up!’

I’m really sticking myself out there on this one, but I’ve felt a burden to reach out with all I’ve got to the husbands, fathers, and single men of Southbrook for Jesus Christ. Some of you might remember a post that I did not too long ago in which Barna (check here as well) did […]


An Exersize in Futility! — Part 2

We left off last time with a very volatile sentence regarding Dysfunctional structures and potential disastrous leadership styles. Here was that sentence, “Almost sounds like church.” What almost sounds like church? Well, at the risk of losing some readers for this series (the lethargic ones) I refer you to the previous post in the series […]


Year End Reflections (updated)

‘Auld Lang Syne’ What a year it was for us at Southbrook Church! And there are so many things to be thankful for. But there were some heartaches as well. In fact, looking back I keep coming to the same conclusion about this year. It was a Charles Dickens kind of a year—”The Best of […]


An Exercise in Futility — Part One

Today I was once again reminded of why we are structured the way we are at Southbrook Church. Sure, there are plenty of good reasons we’ve chosen the structure we have—great churches I respect tremendously function similarly—places like Saddleback Church (with Rick Warren), Fellowship Church (Pastor Ed Young jr.), Northpoint (Andy Stanley), New Hope (Wayne […]