
The 4th!

This year we finally got talked into going to the Waxhaw July 4th celebration. In a word, WOW! The fireworks were pretty cool, but that’s not what wowed me the most. What blew my mind was that it almost felt more like a Southbrook Church celebration than a ‘Waxhaw one! Everywhere we looked there were […]


Long Lost Link Love

Been a while since I gave a shout out to some of the people who have been kind enough to link to me. Some are kindred spirits in thought and belief others don’t agree with me at all but they’ve still let me stir a different thought or two on topics we all could study […]


The Spin Cycle (Final)

Follow the rabbit hole. Go here, here and here (in order) before continuing with this post. Now that you are caught up you might recognize the forming of a dilemma of sorts. You see, I could have 500 parts to this series—easily! So today, in order to prevent that great waste of space in the […]


The Spin Cycle (Part Three)

Once again, you will want to read the first posts in this series in order to catch up. For the first one, click here, and for the second one click here. Now that you’re caught up, let’s zoom in closer and point out a few masterful attempts at spin by the ancient spin doctors themselves. […]


The Spin Cycle (Part Two)

If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time then you know the drill by now. Whenever I do a series it’s best to go back and read the previous parts in order to avoid thinking I am a schizophrenic (not entirely off base). So, if you haven’t already done so, go here […]


The Spin Cycle (Part One)

I love reading through the gospels. I think every believer ought to try and read through all four gospels at least two times a year. Why all four? Because each is written to a different audience, and each adds perspective to the others. Did you know that? It’s true. Matthew was written to a primarily […]


Eleven Miracles in Monroe

Miss me? I haven’t blogged for almost a week and I’ve missed you all! But my family and I have had a wonderful week together at the beach. Being with my family is my very favorite thing to do. I also love being with my Southbrook family and hearing what’s going on at both Southbrook […]


Round 2, VBS at Southbrook Monroe!

The best VBS ever wrapped up at Southbrook’s central campus last week. Nearly 400 kids participated in it and more importantly, 74 of them asked Jesus into their hearts! That’s the number that really counts! Praise Jesus! And thanks to all the volunteers who gave hours and hours of their time to make the week […]


The Beat Goes On!

Last night, New Life 91.9 (the premier ‘Christian’ radio station in Charlotte) came to our Vacation Bible School for an Ice Cream extravaganza! Nevermind the fancy name, all the kids knew was FREE ICE CREAM!! Thanks New Life! And VBS continues to grow. Tonight we will wrap up VBS at Southbrook Central. We had almost […]


Why we do what we do!

Tonight at VBS Central we say more than 50 kids give their lives to Christ after a clear presentation of the gospel! Kids are extra special because their young hearts are still tender toward God and their faith is still growing. These kids wrote their names as a sign of their commitment to Jesus. We’ll […]