
Disturb Me!

We’ve all seen the door hangers on hotel room doors that read, “Do not disturb.” And, most of us realize that this means in no uncertain terms that the people inside the room don’t want anything disturbing the peaceful, easy feeling they worked to hard to acquire. Sure, there are other reasons to hang that […]


Drifting Into Better Behavior

I’ve never witnessed this. Have you? I’ve never seen someone living like a hellion completely turn it around simply because they started ‘drifting’ toward a better way to live and eventually arrived. No, it seems to me that it takes some kind of interference in order to get someone on the right course. Call it […]


Safe Harbor

Are you a Safe Harbor? People who are hurting need someone who they believe is a safe harbor more than anything else. How do you know if you are? If you offer an “answer for everything,” you’re not. People who give pat answers and trite “know-it-all” responses to people’s very real pain only exasperate the problem. […]


The Spotter

Last night my daughter and I were watching the Olympics. She was really excited about seeing the women’s gymnastics competition. Now I have to admit, the power and acrobatic feats of some of these tiny women almost defy all logic. They were amazing and this was only the preliminary stuff! As we watched, my daughter […]


Adding a road

Yesterday’s post was entitled, “Two Roads.” The problem is, there are three! Ok, so I’m talking about a different highway system here in some ways, but in others, it all comes back to the same thing. Yesterday’s roads were called GRACE and PRIDE and you can read about them here. But I would be remiss if I […]


Two Roads

I’m not trying to beat a dead horse, believe me, I’m not. But lately I have been more troubled than ever by how many Christians try to get close to Jesus by way of achievement. It’s the whole, “look at me, God! See how good I am?!” After you are a Christian for a while, […]


Praying for you!

I love our Southbrook family! As with any family, we go through seasons of tremendous blessing and seasons of hurt. Doesn’t Ecclesiastes say as much? A Time for Everything  1 For everything there is a season,      a time for every activity under heaven. 2 A time to be born and a time to die.      A time to plant […]


The Trust Incubator — Part 2

So just how long does the old incubator take before a mature, bold and courageous Christ follower hatches? Parakeets? 18 days Partridges? 23 days. Ducks? 28 days. Ostrich? 48 days. Monitor lizards? 8 – 10 weeks. 9 months for a new born Human baby. And… the incubation period for a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ? […]


The Trust Incubator — Part 1

Ever notice how God often allows us to wander away from His better ways to do our own thing—even when our own way leads to disaster?! Sometimes I get angry at God for this. Me: “Why didn’t you step in? You could have prevented all of this! If you really loved me you wouldn’t have […]


Give it a rest

Summer is great! I I’ve a little extra time with my family seeing folks refresh. Every navy needs shore leave. Every army needs furlough. And every team has an off season. But that last one goes a bit too far—don’t’cha think? No, there’s no off season when it comes to sharing the love of Christ. […]