About Overliked
Have you ever posted something on social media, thought it was the best thing ever (or maybe your best hair day ever), and then…nothing…crickets…2 lowsy likes! If you’ve been on social media, you’ve likely experienced that feeling of disappointment. Or perhaps, life isn’t going so great, but you post pics that make it appear like life is coming up roses for you. Again, we all may have been tempted at some point to change the optics of our lives to make it appear like things are better than they really are.
Where’s the authenticity in all of this? And why do we look to outward sources for inward peace and security?
In this book, Rob addresses more than the surface issues surrounding the comparison culture
Book Highlights
We have become a nation where the optics of everything trump the reality of anything. Discover how to move beyond the optics to authenticity.
Disposable love is not the kind anyone is looking for. Learn about the four types of love and how to surrender your heart to God’s crazy love.
Do you experience “stinkin’ thinkin’” in the middle of adversity? Learn how praise and gratitude can shift your doubtful attitude in difficult times.
Everything you are looking for in this life, in your relationships, in finding your purpose, is already available to you. Like the woman at the well, we all have hope for a new way of living.

More about the Author
A pastor for over 27 years with a heart to reach the lost both here at home and across the globe, Rob has had ample opportunity to counsel people through many of life’s difficult trials and circumstances. And he’s seen firsthand how damaging social media can be to someone’s sense of self worth. While a proponent of social media (used properly), he wants people to really grasp that God loves what’s on the inside more than the outside, and wants people to find that clarity, confidence, and connection that comes only from a relationship with Jesus.