
U in 5: What God Wants

When you think of what God wants—what God wants from you—what comes to mind? Did you know that God doesn’t want Christians? He wants disciples! The word Christian is used three times in the entire New Testament and then only because Jesus’ followers were becoming too ethnically diverse to be regarded as a sect within […]


U in 5: Who’s Your Leader?

We call ourselves Christians but don’t want to be in it for the long run. Unfortunately, some of us spend too much of our lives waiting for the next thing to come along. First you learn to walk, then run. You start growing up and make it to middle school, then high school, then college! […]


U in 5: Crisis Mode

I want to unpack more of Nathan’s message from this past weekend. I left off on Thursday by telling you that if you’re not on the right path, you have to get in CRISIS mode and do something about it. What is a crisis? It is “A time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger; a time […]


U in 5: Visualizing the Future

I was proud to have my son Nathan preach this past weekend at The Summit. He took the church deeper into the U in 5 series, helping people pause and examine where they’re at vs. where they could be! As he said, everyone is on a path, and we’re all going to end up somewhere. Remember […]


U in 5: What’s Your Plan for the Future?

What’s your plan for being the person God wants you to be in five years? A couple of days ago I encouraged you to think and pray about this. Let’s dive into the different directions your life could go in the coming years! I want to take this U in 5series seriously and think BIG, even […]


U in 5: Where Will You Be?

“…if you’re worn out in this footrace with men, what makes you think you can race against horses?” (Jeremiah 12:5, MSG). You might be desiring changes with this new year but find you’re struggling to keep up! This could be because of things coming against you or because you’re not putting in the effort. Paul […]


Find Me Dreaming, Singing, & on My Knees

I explained on Tuesday how God wants to find you faithful and grateful. Did you know that He also wants to find you dreaming, singing, and on your knees? In regard to dreaming, I’m not talking about the selfish kind but the godly kind! Psalm 37:4 (ESV) says, “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will […]


Find Me Faithful & Grateful

We’re about to start a new decade. It reminds of how Summit always gives the first of its year to God. 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting is actually a time to give the first of the year, month, week, and day to God—for 21 days. How amazing to also give the first of a new […]


Jesus: The Savior of the World

A couple of days ago, I explained a bit about who Jesus is. Let’s take a look at a few more things here to help you see He’s so much more that a baby in Christmas stories! He is the exact representation of God’s nature (Hebrews 1:3)! The phrase “exact representation” comes from the Greek word […]


Who’s That Baby?

Christmas is drawing closer, and so many things remind me of the birth of Jesus. Our key verse at church yesterday was Hebrew 1:1-3. “Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. And now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son. God promised […]