
Sunday Evening Mind Dump!

What an awesome day today was! It was the completion of the merger of two great churches (Impact and Forest Hill) and the grand opening of Forest Hill Church in Waxhaw, NC! The place was packed! The energy was high! But most importantly, the name of Jesus was lifted up! LOVED the message that my […]


Letter to Impact

To all my dear friends and family at Impact Church. Tomorrow is the Grand opening of Forest Hill, Waxhaw and the completion of the marriage and merger of Impact Church and Forest Hill. What a great day for God’s kingdom and a terrifying day for the evil one! And for the Singletons? Well, it’s huge, […]


Got Heart?

Wherever I have ministered throughout my life it doesn’t take long for someone to bring up, “the good ole days.” Think about it. We’ve all heard of the grandparent who bemoans the state of things in the world today and follows up with a treatise about how much better it was when he or she […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

·      Today I was walking through our neighborhood just thanking God for all He’s done through Impact Church in less than a year. Truth is, more people got saved when Impact was just a launch team than most churches see in a 20 year run! And that’s just because we cast the net in obedience […]


Church Killers — Final

I wanted to give the last church killer to everyone before Sunday so you can make sure you aren’t doing any of these things at church! Here is Tejado Hanchell’s final way that members kill their own churches…   10. Don’t reach out to the unchurched. The primary purpose of the Church is to introduce […]


Church Killers — Part 4

And now, the number 8 and the number 9 church killers that far too many “Christians’” across the country participate in. Does this make us accomplices to murdering the Bride of Christ? Nobody wants to hear it put that way, but it happens to the tune of thousands of churches a month breathing their last. […]


Anatomy of a Church Killer…

Continuing with our somewhat ominous sounding but truly deadly look into the psyche of a church killer (from Tejado Hanchell) here are the next two characteristics. BTW, if you missed the first five, click here and then here.   6. Get mad if you’re not appointed to a leadership position. So many people in church […]


10 “Church Killers”…continued.

Yesterday I began sharing a few of  Tejado Hanchell’s, “Ten ways members can kill their own Church.” I wanted all of us to take an honest look at just a few at a time before moving on to the next. The worst thing we could do is blow through these and just way we “read […]


Sunday Evening Mind Dump

Good crowd today! And worship just keeps getting better and better! I heard one of our leadership team saying the other day that he feels this is the best worship in all of Charlotte! I thought about that. Pretty bold statement really, but I think he’s got a point! Here’s what he went on to […]


Rescue, Raise, Release — Part Two

Miss part one of this? Click HERE to read it. And, should you want to follow the fascinating story of the real Lion Whisperer—you can see it here. So, in order to have a happy ending regarding lions re-released into the African plains—both the rescue and raising need to be spot on. Unfortunately, there are […]