
At The Movies

First, a brief reminder of who we are and what God has called us to do at Summit… Our Mission as a church is based off of two key scriptures in which Jesus Christ Himself told his followers not only WHAT to do, but HOW to do it. First the What: Matthew 28:19-20 contains what has […]


Jesus Is

Jesus is __________. No other figure in history has been so greatly admired, sought after, studied, emulated and loved as Jesus Christ. At the same time, none other has also stirred up such opposing feelings. Jesus is the most controversial, polarizing, and misunderstood figure in all of history. I feel strongly convicted that a very important part […]


What’s so special about Palm Sunday?

I confess, I haven’t always taken the week before Easter to talk about Palm Sunday and the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. A lot of the time we’re either wrapping up a series or kicking off a new one on that day so Palm Sunday has been sort of forgotten, while Easter takes a […]


Jesus or Jesus junk? (3)

If you are just catching up on this,  see part 1 and part 2 My previous examples were from the Old Testament. What about the New? As you probably imagined, there are many. I’ll pick one for today and one for the next post. The first is found in Acts 8:9-24 “9Now for some time […]


Jesus or Jesus junk? (2)

If you missed part one of this, go here. The second biblical example of this phenomenon actually happened many, many times. I will just pick one at random for us to take a look at. I’m talking about the ‘high places‘ of false worship that became an ongoing struggle for God’s chosen people throughout the entire Old Testament. […]


Jesus or Jesus junk? (1)

On the one hand, there has never been a day like today for getting out the good news of the gospel message. On the other hand, there has never been a day like today when fewer people are interested in the real Gospel message. Once again, it’s 4:30 am and the Holy Spirit won’t let […]


A Matter of the Heart (3)

This is a marathon series, not a sprint. For parts 1 and 2 click the following links (Part 1 | Part 2) And now, the most common reason people raise the topic of being “under grace and not law…” To get out of tithing. Friends, I promise you there are a gazillion great reasons for living under […]


A Matter of the Heart (2)

Just joining this discussion? Then click here to catch up. With me now? Good. Then you know that we left off yesterday’s discussion with the cryptic statement about the law that Jesus made in Matthew 5:17-18 when He said, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have […]


A Matter of the Heart (1)

Years ago when reading the Old Testament I would get a little discouraged with all the law requirements—how in the world could people remember all that stuff let alone obey it?! Some of you are thinking, “Are you serious, Pastor Rob? Who can’t remember 10 simple commandments?” Firstly, there weren’t just ’10 simple commandments’ there […]


Mind Dump: Steadfast (2)

If you missed part 1, go HERE So, what did I see in Peter’s life that brought me to my knees praising Jesus for His love, grace and mercy toward me? The fact that Jesus not only chose to use Peter to do great things, but that He relabeled him – the Rock long before […]