
Praying & Fasting

On Monday, we started our 21 Days of Praying and Fasting! During this time, we meet every morning for an hour. We worship together and pray over our church, nation, and leaders. I recently talked about giving the first of days/weeks/months to God! This 21 days is all about giving Him the first of the YEAR! […]


What’s First, God?

As you look back at 2018, what kind of year do you think it was for you (spiritually speaking)? There are a few different categories you might feel you fit into. The first is spiritual apathy. This is when you have a “don’t care” attitude and have no enthusiasm for life. This is not a […]


Becoming New

When you think about becoming new, what comes to mind? There are many different ways a person can change, but what makes a person new? Let’s look at different kinds of change before answering this question. There can be outward change, which is what man tries to do. This can be trying to change things […]


New Year’s Resolutions

You can think of a New Year’s resolution as…an annual makeover attempt! These have become a joke over the years because they don’t seem to stick. One of the most well-known definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Most people would probably say they get the same […]


Life’s Storms

Similar to valleys and wildernesses, storms are an inevitable part of life. John 16:33 says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” There are peaceful times in life, where you feel like things have calmed down and you have life […]


Whispers from God

It’s somewhat ironic how we yell at people who are standing right in front of us. What we have to say seems so urgent, we speak in unnecessarily loud volumes out of anger or to get a point across. Have you ever yelled at God out of anger? Or, have you ever wished He would […]


Waiting on God

The frustrating thing about being in the wilderness is that it seems to last longer than seasons in the valley! It’s a barren, dry, and desolate place where it’s easy to feel alone. You might have experienced this at some point in your life, or maybe you’re going through this right now. Do you ever find […]


Strength from Above

Whether you’re a believer or not, you’re going to have highs and lows in life. And while you know God is always with you and gives you the strength you need to push through, do you ever stop and wonder where that strength really comes from? If you’re a follower of Christ, you know you have […]


Mountaintops & Valleys

We just started a new series called “God with Us” this Sunday! My message focused on how God is always with us regardless of our circumstances. It’s easy to believe and feel that God is with you when everything is going your way, when you’re on a mountaintop! But what about difficult times, the valleys? […]


The Consequences of Living in Unbelief

I touched on faith earlier in the week and all of the blessings that come from faithfulness! But are there consequences to living without it—living in unbelief? Unbelief can actually be hazardous to your health, and it affects people in three ways. The first thing it does is blind your eyes and make you skeptical. […]