
True Greatness is Measured by Humility

Did you know that greatness isn’t measured by the world’s standards? Jason Garcia reminded us of this at The Summit this past Sunday! What an honor to have him come and speak at our church and minister through the Word. So how is greatness measured? How do YOU measure greatness? You have to think about […]


Whispers from God: What He Wants to Tell You

On Sunday, I briefly mentioned that one of the ways God speaks to you is by whispering words of encouragement. This is just one of many examples of His whispers. Life-nourishing words are found in His Word (Scripture) and in His gentle whispers. God whispers warning! “Pay attention, come close now, listen carefully to my […]


Are You Out There, God?

We jumped into our second message of Tuned In today, and the focus was on how God speaks to His people! Have you ever wondered why God speaks? Let’s explore this. Remember last week I talked about how people are compared to sheep—they can hear the voice of their shepherd and can distinguish it from […]


The Human Heart: What Distances it from God?

If you have tried this week to stay tuned into God but are still struggling, examine your heart. There are so many things that distance your heart from God. When this happens, you tend to tune Him out. Let’s examine the polluted heart. “Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the […]


Are You Tuned In?

This Sunday kicked off our new series Tuned In. God has a frequency that you need to tune into! John 10:3-5 says, “The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he […]


Being a Giant of Faith Like Jonathan

Earlier this week I discussed Nathan’s message on Jonathan and how he took action! But how can you apply the idea of this kind of faith to your life? The Bible gives clear examples of how to be faithful. “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and […]


Jonathan: The Man Who Took Action

It was wonderful to hear my son Nathan speak this past Sunday! He gave a message on Jonathan and wrapped up our Running with the Giants series. Son to the first king of Israel, Jonathan fought along-side King Saul in battle. Saul and Jonathan both shared the same problem—they had the whole Philistine army against them. […]


Brokenness to Wholeness

When you look at the life of Jacob, you see that brokenness precedes breakthrough. Some people stop at broken, unable to go on or find hope in the future. Keep Psalm 51:17 on your heart! “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” God […]


When Life Doesn’t Go Your Way

When life doesn’t go your way, do you try to force things, or do you turn to God? While Jacob is recognized as a giant of the faith, he is yet another person who started off on the wrong path. He went so far as to convince his brother Esau to hand over his birth […]


Abraham: The Test of Faith

I left off yesterday by reminding you that God always does the right thing, even if it seems absurd! God’s character doesn’t change or break down. Some people get nervous about how they look when following God. They’re worried they’ll look absurd! It’s a good thing that God always does the right thing, even if […]