Mind Dump: Steadfast (2)

If you missed part 1, go HERE

So, what did I see in Peter’s life that brought me to my knees praising Jesus for His love, grace and mercy toward me?

The fact that Jesus not only chose to use Peter to do great things, but that He relabeled him – the Rock long before Peter’s character caught up!

Stop yawning! This is huge!

Listen, if one of Satan’s greatest tactics to defeat us is, “labeling” us by the sin we struggle with – than what better then to have God relabel us when we haven’t even remotely earned it?!

Seriously, Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter waaaaaay before Peter acted like it. Jesus recalled (not in the sense of a defective product—but in the sense of a calling to ministry) Peter and started pushing the “Rock” motif before, during, and after such things as…

  • Peter nearly drowning after taking his eyes off Jesus
  • Peter lobbying Jesus to think of him as the greatest of all the disciples—not once, not twice, but three times!
  • Peter interrupting an incredibly holy moment at the mount of transfiguration in order to place the son of God on a lower level with Moses and Elijah
  • Peter impulsively cutting the ear off the temple servant in the Garden of Gethsemane
  • Peter denying that he even knew Jesus, again, not once, not twice, but three times!

Take your pick. I got more!

But don’t miss the point. I’m not trying to belittle Peter. I think he was a giant of the faith. No, rather I am magnifying the name of Jesus! Exalting in the incredible grace and mercy of the Son of God, and …

Thanking God for His incredibly steadfast love that would believe in us and love us while we were yet sinners!