Call’m Out — Part 3


* Also @ 4:00 pm, @ 5:30 pm, @ 7:00 pm, and

@ 8:30 pm.

All of these Christmas Eve services will be live in the main worship center as well as the Video Cafe. So we are actually having 10 services for you to choose from location-wise, though only 5 choices as to the time. Please keep this in mind as you bring your friends and loved ones. If you are planning on coming without guests (First, I hope you’ll reconsider and bring guests ) please consider the video cafe first. The main will be especially full for the 5:30 and 7:00 times. Second, consider one of the less crowded time options such as 4:00 pm or 10:00 pm.

You can still get your tickets at the church. Please make sure you do this as the tickets may be free, but they are our only way of helping us disperse the crowds evenly throughout the night.

Now, one more clarification…

The big evangelical push (for which you all have written names on ornaments and plan on bringing loved ones) is actually happening at the normal weekend services on Saturday and Sunday. The message is entitled, “Lost at Christmas” / “Found through Jesus.” Though there will also be a presentation of the gospel at each of the Christmas Eve services, it is the weekend where the big push is happening.

What big push? Well…

Remember this?


This was taken at one of 6 services on one weekend where 114 people gave their lives to Jesus! Throughout the year nearly 900 have bent the knee to Jesus Christ and we’re believing Jesus for 200 more as the year closes out and we go into the most intense weekend of the year. We will have 16 services over three days and anywhere from 2500 – nearly 4,000 will pass through the doors at SCC! Hundreds and hundreds of these people are far from God but on this one day they are willing to listen.

The Bible calls this amazing time The Harvest, and Jesus said the harvest is ripe! That means the time is now to help your loved ones discover the true meaning of Christmas. But remember the second half of this verse as well…

“The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” Luke 10:2

The problem of Christ followers always expecting someone else to take care of evangelism is not new. There have always been too few workers. But at Southbrook it’s always been different. When it comes to what God is doing to bring people to salvation, Southbrook is not normal! The harvest and the workers have been plentiful! Let’s keep this trend going at a time of year when the results promise to be amazing for Jesus!

See you this weekend!